Web3 Developer DeFiKingdoms
Organizer Oslo Blockchain Meetup
Owner Kingdom.Watch
Thanks! I appreciate it! 😊
Please make the notifications stop!
I've turned off everything and they keep popping!
I've disabled all the notifications but I keep getting one for each message in whatever club I am in.
Please make them stop before I uninstall the app @nilesh
This Wednesday @myrstad will talk about Crypto and Tradfi and how they meet at Oslo Blockchain Meetup.
See you 18:00 at Rebel?
I work for DeFiKingdoms.com so I'm biased, but we do have a fun actually playable game (PvE) with deep meta 🤓 PvP will be awesome when it launches later this year!
🛠️🏗️💎 Always building (soon 3 years!)
Also weekly AMAs 👀
I have to admit I am put a bit off by my Lens feed being 90% questionable quality $BONSAI mints. Not a lot of real content like discussions etc anymore 😔
Now that Orb so seamlessly supports signing in from desktop I want to move my Lens account to a hardware wallet. What's the proper way to do that? Will I need to transfer all related NFTs one by one?
It worked when I updated and restarted the app!