What are the best web3 gaming projects? I want to be pitched so hard in 2 years I’m downloading my concioisness into it via my neuralink!

  • sangvin@sangvin·May 12

    Try OhBabyGames

    • Thrax@thrax·May 11

      I may be biased but imo Aavegotchi is poised to be one of the biggest names of web3 gaming, we’ve got many titles across a range of genres all coming into stride around the same time 🔥 it’s gonna be epic!

      • Magg1@cryptomagg·May 11

        I work for DeFiKingdoms.com so I'm biased, but we do have a fun actually playable game (PvE) with deep meta 🤓 PvP will be awesome when it launches later this year!

        🛠️🏗️💎 Always building (soon 3 years!)

        Also weekly AMAs 👀
