architect of onchain realities | | conspiracy theorist @telah
I just signed the Glass Manifesto and got early access to claim The Glass Pass. See you on @glassxyz.lens :
it's funny how
everyone onboarded crypto
by doing something illegal
whether it was buying drugs
buying cs:go skins
gambling on online cazin0
but silicon folks
keep diabolizing ponzis
embrace it
I like the idea to iterate @mixtape.lens into a music focused @korudao.lens fork.
@mixtape.lens was initially built on the awesome "On Rotation community". If I understand the idea of @korudao.lens correctly, a music focused @korudao.lens fork might bring back the community aspect of On Rotation 💿.
What do you think?
@320colab.lens @alanlili.lens @alarke.lens @alnev.lens @andresbriceno.lens @brennan.lens @bobpeace.lens @sameold.lens @camtrao.lens @christina.lens @cristinaspinei.lens @connectthecoast.lens @blackdave.lens @dradaku.lens @dragaan.lens @jannah.lens @emrahis.lens @gb-ali.lens @henri.lens @infinati.lens @internetfase.lens @jodye.lens @karmavioletta.lens @ls30sounds.lens @larryscruff.lens @lightbeing.lens @lxrdox.lens @magnaa.lens @maxpretends.lens @mrswemusic1.lens @mstrbstrd.lens @nicopollux.lens @ethnomad.lens @originstory.lens @millionrecords.lens @p3t3rango.lens @motiveunknown.lens @polyzoid.lens @pwoseidon.lens @roadwaves.lens @rositron.lens @salti.lens @sayten89.lens @shlippin.lens @stani.lens @sweetman.lens @indexes.lens @themeta.lens @timcox.lens @unconsciousmotifs.lens @weinbagz.lens @xinobi.lens @zombieshepherd.lens @themeta.lens @gearboxwed3.lens @oohlala.lens @felicelazae.lens
@domdeshawn.lens @helfetica.lens @sozimusic.lens @mvnsa.lens @heno.lens @fredriko.lens @emptybrother7.lens @zadan.lens @watchereth.lens
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