Nader Dabit@nader·May 15

If you are new to Lens or are trying to bootstrap your following or network, this is for you! 📢

Comment below with an intro and / or something interesting about yourself, and I'll mirror the post to my 18,000+ followers.

If you have anything collectible, be sure to link to it too, because I have some tokens that are burning a hole in my pocket 🙇‍♂️.

  • Ruthless@ruthless·May 20

    Hey I am @ruthless.lens and I appreciate actual content more than engagement farming

    • BennyJ504@bennyj504·May 20

      Hey @nader.lens if the offer still stands brodie........

      • I post and share the music that inspires me. I also create and share dj mixes from time to time

        • MazeMari@mazemari·May 20

          Hi:) I'm Mari and I create digital illustrations, I've been on Lens for 2 months already! My experience here has been great so far and I've found very supportive community 💖. Recently I've been invited to make an NFT drop on @chromadin.lens , a new up-and-coming platform built on top of Lens🌿. You can find my first drop "Choose Empathy" here:

          I'd love to meet more creative people here on lens. 🪐

          • Belnadris@crazypunk·May 18

            Hi Nader, thanks for this initiative 🙂

            Coder & farmer & horse rider by day, web3 addict all the time ^^

            Here to connect with the amazing lens community, sharing a great time around all kinds of topics.

            I'm currently working on a 3.0 art atelier that conceives, designs, produces and sells crypto-conceptual works of art. Here is our first collection which will be released in the fall ( If you are an artist or just have an idea of ​​experience to bring to life through the blockchain, feel free to contact me. 🙂

            • Lauti@0xlauti·May 17

              Hi, I'm Lauti. I'm a public accountant and business administration graduate and I've been working in the crypto industry for almost 2 years in one of the most important companies in LATAM, Lemon Cash.

              My interest in blockchain technology started in 2018 and since then I have not stopped surprising myself, being DeFi in particular was what caught me the most. I love interacting with people in the ecosystem who have the same interests as me and I hope I can meet many new ones after this post.

              I share with you my first post on Lens, which mentions my beginnings with this technology when I started reading a book to understand a little more about Bitcoin and what is behind it, you can collect it for free 😁


              • Yo, Im Nico Capital. Nice to meet y'all 👋

                • I have joined Lens recently, and I want you to experience an extraordinary odyssey by my side. As we unveil the breathtaking wonders and immerse ourselves in diverse cultures spanning across our planet Earth, you'll be able to collect all of those memories and keep them forever.

                  Together, let's explore the vast wonders of our world and beyond! 🌍✨🚀

                  Here's a little bit of what you could expect 🗺️

                  Comment by @jovana_kvrzic.lens
                  • dre@qingisdead·May 17

                    it might be a public health hazard but i'll give it a shot anyway

                    • @chatur·May 17

                      Hello everyone, I just got a lens, can you follow me?

                      • WhaleCode specializes in producing artistic and advertising content 🐋 We are currently active in branding, clothing design, 3D content creation and music, all of them have highest quality

                        Lens Protocol has gathered a network of uniquely talented and experienced individuals, and WhaleCode is also striving to operate effectively within the bounds of our abilities.

                        I'm Sure you love our ideas just check our posts #Lenstyle 1 #Lenshub 1 2 #LensFamily: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

                        • MGrin@mgrin·May 17

                          Hi! I'm a software engineer at . We provide accounting services for crypto / we 3 companies. Outside of work I'm traveling around the world (doing 2 months in one country maximum and then going to the next one) for the next 9 months and gathering all usefull information for nomads living same life :)

                          • Vincent@0xvincent·May 17

                            I’ve founded a Web3 consultancy & product studio mostly focused on Ethereum NFTs, based in Stockholm!

                            Frequently travelling all over, down to meet up with fellow lensters globally :)

                            • Orlis◱ ◱@orlis·May 17

                              Hello everyone, i am Orlando, from México, i am passionate about spirituality and human potential, i will be giving you ideas that i carry out in my daily life, this is not motivation for fools, this is true personal development

                              • Rafael@realthirdweb·May 17

                                This is an interesting proposal. So let's go. I've been a huge enthusiast of the crypto world for about 2 years and I saw the opportunity to create content on different subjects on the web 3 social media. I think about bringing a little humor (memes), some thoughts that I do on a daily basis and everything else that I believe adds to my life and that of my readers. I'm satisfied with my profile and if other people can have fun and reflect I'll be happy for them too.

                                Post by @realthirdweb.lens
                                • Croll83@croll83·May 17

                                  Hey @nader.lens, Growth lead for @linea.lens... would love to contribute to this with our 6k+ followers...

                                  • Thanks for the great opportunity, Nader. I'm Nima and I'm building POAPlace | The POAP Marketplace. @poaplace.lens

                                    • How are y’all. I’m a cryptocurrency enthusiast and fun guy. I just try to have fun and engage in philosophical discussions about improving economic markets. I have fun!

                                      • Selim@selimyay·May 16

                                        Hi Nader,

                                        I'm using my lens profile as a reflection of my mind. I love learning and discussing thoughts so this place is like a therapy for me

                                        • lawsn@lawsn·May 16

                                          Hey all. I’m not an artist but I am a huge advocate for web3 and behavioral ecomonics and anime and basketball and I just wanna meet cool, smart people and have dope convos

                                          • hello ser,vedant this side.learning everyday,not achieved much in life.also believes in bread money more than generational wealth hihihih

                                            • BranksyPop@branksypop·May 16

                                              Hello, I'm BranksyPop, experimenting with art, dynamic NFTs and web3. Secretly building PixelNunc. Would love to connect and discover creators and builders on lens

                                              • Miss Polygon@sachi·May 16

                                                Sachi from Polygon Ventures!

                                                Let me know if you are building something cool in the consumer space

                                                • F@scrambled·May 16

                                                  Hello! Nothing to say except... BITCOIN 😂

                                                  • Aryan@aryansharma·May 16


                                                    • Greetings I go by the name of Dupes and I’m a songwriter, I help ppl of the world express themselves through the gift of sound. I use music as my own form of therapy to express my inner thoughts and feelings. I post my demos and song ideas as much as possible. And this is my most recent release called “rewind” demo v2


                                                      Let’s connect.

                                                      • Mushow@mushow·May 16


                                                        • lensvote@lensvote·May 16

                                                          Hi Nader,

                                                          It's a pleasure to connect with you! I'm currently immersed in a project I believe could revolutionize the way we approach decision-making processes in various sectors.

                                                          Imagine a scenario where we need to implement reform within soccer and Lionel Messi's vote holds more weight than Elon Musk's, because his influence and expertise within the field are undeniably greater. The question I'm posing is: what if we could redefine our voting systems to reflect influence rather than just assets?

                                                          My idea takes form in an on-chain voting system that is based on influence. This system could empower individuals who have profound knowledge and impact within a certain domain, leading to more informed and relevant decisions.

                                                          I've noticed that the Lens contract has some built-in governance features, such as vote delegation. These features align perfectly with my concept, and I believe that with some tweaking, we could use them to bring this idea to life.

                                                          I've built a basic demo of this concept and I would be thrilled to hear your thoughts and feedback. You can check it out at

                                                          Looking forward to hearing from you, and perhaps even collaborating in the future!

                                                          • Retro@retro·May 16

                                                            Hi there Nader. I would appreciate a follow from the Nader Army! I am a Polygon OG that rode the wave of DEFI Summer and lived to tell about it. I currently have two major hobbies in Web3: exploring NFTs through my #y00ts community and diving in to explore Polygon zkEVM. Found some cool communities in both areas. Would love to interact with some like-minded people to talk NFTs and the potential of zkEVM.

                                                            • nice

                                                              • I am a crypto enthusiast, airdrop hunter, altcoin investor, Business Analyst by profession.

                                                                • gm! I'm a restauranteer from India who is trying web3 for fun and vibes! Looking to follow more people and grow my network!

                                                                  • Hy everyone. Taofeek here, a creative and web3 frontend developer and smart contract writer.

                                                                    I can help you build your dapp, website or gas optimized smart contract.

                                                                    Currently searching for paying roles.


                                                                    • Hello fren 🎶 I am a sound tweaker :

                                                                      Have a nice day 🌞

                                                                      • BankkY@rosemary_benny·May 16

                                                                        Hello Lens world . I'm a guy from little country in South east asia name "Thailand"

                                                                        I live in South that have a lot of beautiful nature and I wanna show you guys here how beautiful of it

                                                                        really happy to be your friend . Hope some day you will come to visit my country

                                                                        • hello! internetfase here. i began my lens journey with the release of the lens lofi EP, a 6 track lofi hip hop instrumental EP with a unique animated cover for each track.

                                                                          at the end of 2022 i decided to commit to creating a weekly series exclusive to lens called "beat of the week" (#BOTW) that would run through all of 2023. the brilliant artist and designer @stellarhobbes.lens agreed to join me on this journey and create all the cover art for the series and so far we have dropped every wednesday for the last 19 weeks straight!

                                                                          all collectable drops can be found in the media tab on my profile. feel free to browse through if any of that interests you. 😎🙏❤️🌿

                                                                          • aro ◱ ◱@aro67·May 15

                                                                            It is an interesting tutorial. It can even be useful for those who have a long history.

                                                                            • Hi, I'm Brian j. Simplon and I'm writing music to simp for a gf. It's better than spending all my money on a gf, especially when they're all e-girls who don't know I exist even when I donate 10k to their hot tub streams. Plz future gf look at mi music

                                                                              • hi! I am a collaborative ai artist, which means I mix ai-generated images with text and drawings I've created. recently I was honored to be asked to create a collection for @chromadin.lens, a platform built for creators around the decentralized social community.

                                                                                I've met so many interesting people on Lens so far, and I'm having a great time building friendships while sharing my work and my life here.


                                                                                Comment by @tinyrainboot.lens
                                                                                • Ceci@hyperalchemy·May 15

                                                                                  After attending ETHPrague last year I decided to learn more about smart contracts and took the #30DaysOfWeb3 challenge with WomenBuildWeb3 💜 The community inspired me so much that I applied to my first hackathon, ETHOnline, and won as finalist with the amazing @interplanetaryfonts.lens team 🪐 Together we continued learning during the Encode Club BUIDL accelerator, got then the opportunity to join D_D family 🫶 and overall kept motivating each other to continue building 🛠 also thanks to the countless resources and hours that people dedicate and share everyday. Today I'm proud to have a chance to give back a little 🙌 by organizing ETHPrague Hackathon 2023! I hope to meet many lens frens 🌱 IRL and I'm looking forward to welcoming hackers who want to build a solarpunk future! 🫡

                                                                                  • Hello! My name is Yasmin Seidel. I am a crypto brony web developer, writer and artist. Currently my work is focused on my Puddy Club website, and especially on my fic Pony Driland. I am also a web3 technology student and I am gradually integrating my services to this new technological world.

                                                                                    As you follow me, you will have a lot of brony content, forms of contribution to help me and my Puddy Club projects, especially content about my fic Pony Driland. I am one of the people who is very interested in bringing fandom brony closer to the Crypto world. So feel free to participate in my community.

                                                                                    My main websites:

                                                                                    Comment by @jasmindreasond.lens
                                                                                    • Ben@benbassler·May 15

                                                                                      I’m a software engineer who is passionate about building the next generation of the web. I’ve worked with DeFi and AI and I’m currently building a project on Lens 😁 I just shared an introductory post about me and collects are going towards offsetting carbon emissions 🙂

                                                                                      • Bizza@05025·May 15

                                                                                        I am a very famous little mouse. Everyone loves me but I need friends. Who wants to be my friend?

                                                                                        • Matt 🐓@meytab·May 15

                                                                                          Here you go Ser 🫡

                                                                                          • Hello, my field of interest is related to digital art and lately I'm focused on researching about graphical AI. Here at Lens, most of my collaboration is related to #Lenstopia, but I shared some other studies like #meltedpfp ​​(a reinterpretation of some of my works) and more recently I posted some results referring to a research about generating with AI an unnecessary amount of details in architectural forms and machinery #JunkyardofUseless 🙂

                                                                                            • @datetime is (hopefully) the most fun way to express what you 🤍 in a web3 native and interoperable way.

                                                                                              most of the collects are "free" to collect (0.000001 WMATIC, 100% mirror fee share) and limited, some 🤍 categories have (paid) artist collaboration editions ( #artistCollection ) please collect only what you 🤍:

                                                                                              • I am the creatooor of @jessyfries.lens a token-gated community for professionnaaallll memes and fries lovers! We will soon release FriesGPT - the first AI chatbot who was programmed to become your Bestie 🤣🤭🍟

                                                                                                • Native_0x@native_0x·May 15

                                                                                                  I’m a crypto boomer first meeting Stani and co when it was Eth Lend Vs Aave. I’ve been in the space since late 2016 and have loved watching the space explode with talent and new ideas over the last few years. I actively angel invest and have funded social apps like @converseapp.lens through to DeFi apps and accelerators. Here for the good vibes and fun and ambitious people pushing our space on!

                                                                                                  • Samm@sababa·May 15

                                                                                                    I’m a senior citizen with an online Studyor to help others adapt to what’s happening in today’s world. I have a small NFT collection Sababa Gives Back on OpenSea to help hospitality workers locally and want to develop play to earn activities for senior citizens to get involved, also on Spatial for people to learn how to connect with their kids and grandkids. I’m just trying to find my mojo in all of these decentralized platforms because decentralization is where its at.
