Highlighting optimism refraction
COLETA VIP: lastlink.com/p/CB19E06BF?af=A206C0E23
🚀 A Base está dominando o mercado! Entenda como a Layer 2 da Coinbase está ultrapassando a Solana e se posicionando como uma das principais redes do ecossistema cripto. Exploramos as razões por trás desse movimento, desde o crescimento do TVL até a conexão com Social Graphs e o impacto dos Agentes de IA.
Perdeu o hype do Grass e viu a galera lucrando sem esforço?
Baixe estas extensões de navegador e comece a farmar seu possível próximo airdrop! Muitas vezes, esses projetos parecem sem valor até o momento certo – e quem entrou cedo colheu os frutos. Não fique de fora: clique no link para instalar e prepare-se para o que está por vir!
GRASS: app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=96R9YcKEOCNeBsO
NodePay: app.nodepay.ai/register?ref=KKz6GEKfjDmQr9L
Gradient: app.gradient.network/signup?code=QA4UF8
I believe that art in all of its forms can enhance the world if properly understood
Take this example: We often judge people based on the music they listen to, the outfits they wear, or the art they appreciate. This judgment stems from our dislike for a particular song, garment, or piece of art. But how often do we try to see it from the other person's perspective?
If we understood that art, in all its forms, is about communication and emotion, everything would change. We would be more open to understanding that if a piece doesn't speak to us, it's just not for us. There's no need to judge or hate someone for their preferences because they are their own person, just as we are ours. We are different; we react and resonate differently with art
By understanding this, starting with art, our minds and hearts might open further, allowing us to better understand the world. Just as we wouldn't judge someone for their artistic preferences, we shouldn't judge them for other, more commonly encountered aspects of life
If we were willing to see art from this perspective, imo, the world could become a better place. We could understand those around us much better and become kinder and more empathetic towards them. We would learn to understand and embrace each other
This is something I will always advocate for, and it's something that makes me love art, in all its forms, so much🌹
One of the most exciting feature for Lens V3 is the Feeds.
I would expect to see some interesting Feed + Rule combinations.
For example, a Feed could be completely governed and curated by a DAO.
COLETA VIP: lastlink.com/p/CB19E06BF?af=A206C0E23
Perdeu o hype do Grass e viu a galera lucrando sem esforço?
Baixe estas extensões de navegador e comece a farmar seu possível próximo airdrop! Muitas vezes, esses projetos parecem sem valor até o momento certo – e quem entrou cedo colheu os frutos. Não fique de fora: clique no link para instalar e prepare-se para o que está por vir!
GRASS: app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=96R9YcKEOCNeBsO
NodePay: app.nodepay.ai/register?ref=KKz6GEKfjDmQr9L
Gradient: app.gradient.network/signup?code=QA4UF8
Season 3 might be done but let us recognise last week’s submissions for Friends Who Write! We have prepared one last list where you can check the complete and partial team submissions and which stories writers chose as their final piece of writing. 👏
Here it is: <app.t2.world/article/cm49mofr745978t7mcvdfd93ah>
3000 editions from 20 artists gone in less than a minute 🤯 Crying, sobbing, shaking 🥹 We are so back!
Secondary looks beautiful if you missed it 💚
Thank you so much Deadfellaz, Psych, Betty, Apecoin & MagicEden I’m so happy to be part of this ✨