In this episode we discuss, ETHGlobal,, and more. Plus we announce the Trusted Talent Week 5 winner and we chat with special guest @0xtommythomas about his new foodie platform @yummitopia
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I have put a **Proposal to onboard LIL' Nouns on @lensprotocol** via @lenspostxyz by showing proof of engagement via the the AMAZING Visuals creators can make if they're giving the right tools and access to web3 socials platforms like our >>>
zkSync四大天王最早上线的项目,至今未发空投,这无疑给了很多人上车机会。经历了V1、V2,生态项目也越来越多无从下手。这里OKX 推出了OKX Cryptopedia,指导新人如何去参与zkSync Era交互。