Brendan at PoolyCon - The PoolTogether Hyperstructure
The next PoolTogether is real! PoolTogether Co-Founder & CTO @asselstine.lens takes a look at the concept of Hyperstructures in general before revealing the next version of PoolTogether as "forever software".
00:10 Intro
01:20 Software that runs forever
0:35 What are Hyperstructures?
07:15 Hyperstructures are Scalable
07:55 Not Every Protocol is a Hyperstructure
08:20 PoolTogether Thus Far
10:25 The PoolTogether Hyperstructure
12:42 How does it work?
16:18 User Experience // Just start winning
16:45 Is PoolTogether Really a Hyperstructure?
17:50 PoolTogether as Infrastructure for Prize Savings
19:35 Rethinking Risk
20:20 Next Steps (Launch Timeline)