Today makes it a week that SOCIAL launched
Let's all focus on season 2 and get more points 🤝
Hello fam
The day has finally come
Many people will make $1k-$3k this morning
Congratulations 🎉 in advance
Let's keep phaving guys
It's season 2 already...
Phaver app has a new look and it is so awesome
Now I can comfortably sit on this app 24/7 without thinking of other social media apps.
Phaving continues...
Wen TGE?
The day we've all been asking has been officially announced.
The number 1 Web3 social app @phaver is about to shake the world in a few days.
Congratulations 🎉 to all eligible users 👏
99.5% of TGE preparation done ✅
We await the most anticipated announcement 😁
Keep phaving guys
Guess what fam?
A big announcement is coming between now and Thursday
Let's keep phaving guys
All we are waiting for is just the announcement from Phaver
Guess what?
The announcement is coming in just a few days
Keep phaving guys...