3/ This is the end of the thread.
This is the end of the thread.
Important Note: We're aware that some community members holding Zerion DNA or Owly Zerion encountered difficulties claiming their points. We're diligently reviewing the collected addresses to ensure that those who held these tokens before 1 PM UTC on August 17, 2024, receive their rightful points.
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This is just the beginning of Points on our platform. Claim it before 30th April 2024.
Thanks to our existing contributors & welcome to new ones. We’re just getting started ⚡️
Leading to something magical! ✨
2/ Our existing contributors can claim additional XP based on rank.
What’s next? ↓
1/ If you hold @lens or ENS domain or Farcaster ID, you’re eligible to claim XP drop.
What’s in it for existing contributors on our platform? ↓
This is just the beginning of Points on our platform. Claim it before 30th April 2024.
Thanks to our existing contributors & welcome to new ones. We’re just getting started ⚡️
Leading to something magical! ✨
Our existing contributors will be able to claim additional XP based on rank.
What’s next? ↓
If you hold @lens or ENS domain or Farcaster ID, you’re eligible to claim XP drop.
Head over to thedapplist.com
Connect Wallet
Click on ‘XP Drop’
And, follow the steps as recommended.
Once done, you will be able to see XP you’ve claimed.
What’s in it for existing contributors on our platform? ↓