I just voted on "[FXN] FIP 05 - Add fixed gauge weights for fETH and btcUSD Stability Pools on FXN Gauge Controller" snapshot.org/#/aladdindao.eth/proposal/0x994d0b27a593996a1bb6516aaf95ca8d33644056b53bc81806b99adbbbf92917 #SnapshotVote
Perfect reward if you follow me at that time.
#财富密码 #长期投资 #新人教学 #Curve @0xconcentrator
今天听了@mrblocktw 最新的一期curve生态视频 youtu.be/FiSq6YhxCSw 其中一个观众提问有没有更直观的投资教学帮助DEFI新人。 其实区块先生出了很多新手友好的Curve教学视频,但为啥有这个疑惑的新人却越来越多。
我觉得对于DEFI 新人来说:
他们要的并不是具体的UI操作而是他们还没有一套适合自己的且易于实施的投资思路。看了个视频,学了个新的protocol就想试一试,少量资金玩空投可以 但缺少了一套长期投资逻辑。
选择你愿意长期持有的LP (tricrypto2 等)
选择你愿意用LP产生的利息长期复投的资产 (aCRV,afraxETH)
可以通过 Zap in 定投你愿意长期持有的LP。
长期持有的LP: Tricrypto2
把几个月准备定投的钱在合适的时候zap in Tricrypto2
2014年我就想要定投BTC,当时coinbase还没有自动定投的功能,手动几个月后就没坚持。 如果现在的话 我觉得通过Concentrator定投tricrypto2(BTC/ETH/USDT)应该是属于普通人的sp500吧。
2.选择 Tricypto2 aCRV Deposit 你愿意定投的金额
不用盯盘 该干嘛去干嘛
不太能挣到快钱,不过晚上能睡的香 不用时时盯盘 下拨牛市的敲门砖
Announcing Scaffold-Lens
Scaffold-Lens is a project that demonstrates how to build, test, debug, and deploy an Open Action Module on Lens. It's based on Scaffold-ETH 2, which lets you easily run a local EVM chain to test on. The Next.js client app includes a full Etherscan-like block explorer and contract debugger.
I worked with @ornaart to create the tipping action and we used this project to test and debug the contract locally, which was really helpful as novice Solidity devs.
🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 NOT FOMO
Collect to make merry friends, not fomo in Firefly's app this Christmas.
Open for 7 days. #MFNF
🎄 Merry X'Mas! 🌟
On this special day, we marked another exciting milestone – 'Lucky Drop' is now live! 🔥
Receive the Lucky Drop of $ 300 USDT from Firefly this Christmas!🎉
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our beloved Lens family, who have been with us every step of the way. Your companionship has been invaluable. 🌱
🧧 To claim our best wishes:
This app took me around 3 hours to build. ✨
shadcn ui kind of makes me feel I actually understand design (I don't)
🕊️ Tech stack
WalletConnect v2
shadcn UI
@lensprotocol React SDK
🔗 code github.com/dabit3/lens-shadcn
🔗 app lens-shadcn.vercel.app