I just signed the Glass Manifesto and got early access to claim The Glass Pass. See you on @glassxyz.lens :
mirroring a post
Lens requirements are composable with any combination of:
fungible and non-fungible tokens on 17 chains
over a dozen on-chain and VC integrations
off-chain social data from Twitter, Discord and GitHub
All this to create roles and gated areas in Discord, Telegram, Google Workspace, GitHub and anywhere else with the Guild SDK.
Interoperability for communities is slowly but surely coming together.
Spencer Noon @spencernoon%C2%B710%E5%B0%8F%E6%97%B6Pro tip: follow me on @LensProtocol because that's where I'm migrating some of my spicy takes
It’s about the Lens frens we make along the way…