SuiCorner - is the place where you can find all interesting news and unique authorial content about Sui and its ecosystem 🌊
Today we decided to present you a short analysis of the activity that takes place on the @SuiNetwork. We think it will be quite interesting - numbers always say more than a thousand words. So here we go! #SuiStats #Sui #SuiEcosystem 👇
New event @philand.lens
-Have .lens handle
-Fill 'Bio' of Lens Profile
-Make a post on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Collect a yasai-campaign post of @philand on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Update your Lens Profile's Website to your Philand URL
-Have a post on Lenster collected by other users during the Yasai event
#philand #Yasai
Ultimate #yasai event checklist:
-Have .lens handle
-Fill 'Bio' of Lens Profile
-Make a post on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Collect a yasai-campaign post of @philand on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Update your Lens Profile's Website to your Philand URL
-Have a post on Lenster collected by other users during the Yasai event
#lens #lenster #phi #philand #Yasai
Ultimate #yasai event checklist:
-Have .lens handle
-Fill 'Bio' of Lens Profile
-Make a post on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Collect a yasai-campaign post of @philand on Lenster during the Yasai event
-Update your Lens Profile's Website to your Philand URL
-Have a post on Lenster collected by other users during the Yasai event
#lens #lenster #phi #philand #yasai