Addicted to making new things
Pixel wonders how many years it will take till social media adopts a backend similar to lens.
Pixel wonders if it's what the giant social media companies will adopt or will it remain as niche like mastadon.
Pixel already failed the post everyday challenge.
Insanely hard to remember when you're flying from country to country and trying to keep on top of the mountain of work one has.
Day 2
Can't really do my typical engagement farming posts because I have literally 2 active followers.
So treating lens like a blog for now.
Day 1
Trying to see how many days I can post on lens.
Flying to Bali from Kuala Lumpur today.
Nomadic life is more enjoyable but in reality less work gets done when you're on a flight or stuck in a taxi.
If you stick around there's a high chance your net worth goes anywhere between 10-100x over the next 4 years.
Have a bloody plan!
Be ready!
Cash out on the way up.
Don't give up now.
Make it this time!