I just voted "Yes" on "Renewed Liquidity Incentivization Mandate" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xe8e92474bbd4ad0aa011cf69ad1873a9e30ab9c431f717e9d859a78fdd799a3a #Snapshot
Everyone watched the movie where is such a machine?
Who remembers the name?
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment On Kava" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xed5fe9d40c9e82a53c548d4458fdca91d6d26c12cc34303c205906b5e1854e29 #Snapshot
This work of art will take you into a world of tranquility and grace, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of nature in its most beautiful manifestation. #Art #Sunset #Beautyofnature