Here is Catizen Tokenomics
Total supply: 1Billion
Circulating supply on TGE: 30.5% (305M tokens)
Possible price on TGE
At 30M mcap = $0.1 per $Cati
At 305M mcap = $1 per $Cati
At 3B mcap = $10 per $Cati
At what price do you think cati will launch at?
I will be leaving for now
Nice knowing y’all degenerates
Yours faithfully
Once a Degen
Some 2024 ALTS and % down since ATH:
$AEVO: -90%
$MODE: -89.5%
$STRK: -89%
$SAGA: -87.5%
$DYM: -87.5%
$W: -85%
$PIXEL: -83%
$ALT: -82.5%
$MANTA: -81%
$ZETA: -79%
$RENZO: -79%
$ETHFI: -78%
$ENA: -76%
How many are you holding?