just launched a contest on jokerace, Mantle Journey Miles Strategy — come play to win
I just voted "yes" on "Stargate Foundation 12-month Budget Proposal" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x2eff53c9e9f0bf19a98345d1d32103ec0ec859d81978eecacb38db16be33b94b #Snapshot
I just minted New Era ETH, celebrating the start of @BuildOnBase bringing billions of people onchain.
It’s Onchain Summer.
I just voted on " What was your favorite Use Case of the Linea Voyage Quest? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0x9f0e54337d515a9daa2e9cc05580b1993ebb18e2ebc465cf3ee6e777df369e2b #Snapshot
I just voted "yes" on "Fantom Pool Windup" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xe485f7c2bb4f7843d4ce353ae82f19dcf017e70e917bad28f70ff8b231b57deb #Snapshot
I just voted "30 minutes" on "Proposal for Determining Portal Duration" snapshot.org/#/basenamedao.eth/proposal/0xb38d83757bca12527dbb514ed5a8135874a270a660613e19f270cdd42d364028 #Snapshot
I just voted ".base" on "hello.base" snapshot.org/#/basenamedao.eth/proposal/0x49e21ad4619238cf1feccfb3af1a73823831d16f26240026b03a2c9f87a724d3 #snapshotlabs
@llamaxyz.lens is thrilled to propose a revised outlook for the @aaveaave.lens Safety Module to the community.
Following feedback, the strategy was split in 6 posts on the Aave forum.
The summary can be found here, but this post will dive into each topic
The strategy aims to improve the SM design on several aspects, such as:
~ Increase the SM cover value
~ Improve Incentives management
~ Increased SM depositors rewards
~ Reduction of the cover cost
PART I: Migrate the StkABPT to @balancerprotocol.lens V2
The publication proposes an update of the initial SM pool parameters to consider several configurations on Balancer
~ B-80AAVE-20wETH
~ B-80AAVE-20wstETH
~ B-50AAVE-50wETH
~ B-50AAVE-50wstETH
PART II: Assets diversity, SM Categories & Slashing
This proposal introduces risk tranching by creating 3 categories with different slashing, parameters & rewards
~ Single Assets: Similar to current design (Reduced emission, 30% max slashing)
~ Volatile & Stable BPTs: LPs staked in Balancer gauges through @AuraFinance
(BAL + AURA rewards, 45% max slashing for volatiles, 60% max slashing for Stables)
Proposal II: governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-safety-module-upgrade-part-ii-asset-diversity-sm-categories-slashing-updates/12749
PART III: Enable smBPT gauges
This proposal proposes to improve the capital efficiency in the SM by creating gauges on smBPT instead of classic BPT
To generate enough BAL + AURA rewards, the Aave DAO will need to attract vote on the associated gauges, which can be done by voting or creating vote incentives for veBAL & wrappers holders.
Classic gauges would dilute the SM reward budget since anyone could receive yield while bypassing the SM risks & cooldown.
smBPT allows anyone to deposit in the pool & earn fees, but only SM depositors would receive BAL + AURA rewards.
Proposal III: governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-safety-module-upgrade-part-iii-enable-gauges-on-bpt-in-safety-module-smbpt/12750
PART IV: Incentives management upgrade
This proposals focuses on updating the current AAVE reward budget management
~ 25% of the current SM budget as liquidity mining on single assets (no gauges)
~ 75% of current SM budget as vote incentives on smBPT gauges through Warden Quest by @paladin.lens for volatile & stable BPTs categories
This allows to leverage the premium of gauge weight power compared to direct liquidity mining and benefit from several Quest benefits such as
~ Defined amount of votes needed
~ Fixed reward / vote paid to voters
~ Ability to retrieve unspent rewards
~ Incentivize veBAL & wrappers
Proposal IV: governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-safety-module-upgrade-part-iv-incentives-management-upgrade/12751
PART V: veToken Management framework
This proposal aims to define a framework to manage the strategic assets locked on the collector contract by electing a committee in charge of the following actions
~ Lock / relock assets
~ Cast gauges votes
~ Monitor the market
~ Create the Quests
~ Claim & Compound the yield
Proposal V: governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-safety-module-upgrade-part-v-vetoken-holding-management-framework/12752
PART VI: Future considerations
This proposal aims to recap the design proposed and add future considerations for this strategy
~ Progressive incentives migration to the new design
~ Incentives budget sustainability
~ Protocol Owned liquidity considerations
~ Framework to add new assets to the SM
Proposal VI: governance.aave.com/t/temp-check-safety-module-upgrade-part-vi-future-considerations/12753
Looking forward to get feedback on the forum and discuss these topics with the community