Halloy! I'm a huge fan of American Psycho. And when I'm saying huge, I really mean it. I weight 310lbs
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate V2" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x1c55529c8df43cc97591696a135a7b82af27fb8c58a09cf0bdc80aa29310d27d #SnapshotVote
I just voted "Yes" on "Use idle STG/USDC PoL on Fantom to Earn at Equalizer" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x44b9630efed11ff179b69646989d1ef61f05a143164773021844b6aa06878c2a #SnapshotVote
I just voted "Yes" on "Utilize unclaimed tokens on Velodrome to increase Stargate's weekly earnings and qualify for govNFT" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xac174c9bb4f7591f4ace0e8a084e28df7a0c4f9654274c08610f7ec262eed9e3 #Snapshot
Livestream at 2pm ET!
Talking all things crypto’s macro future with Coinbase Head of Research David Duong
Set a reminder 👇
I just voted "OK" on "Poll by @medea.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xb896c6329dd45e23231f7f42c567a027491242a9558e6891543315a5deb30a22 #Snapshot
I'm going to visit kitchen in less than 4 hours