The NFT market is a very early market, and hype and speculation are very common, because there is no real value support, and the sharp rise and fall of prices is inevitable. After blur was launched, it directly provided a large amount of liquidity with the market maker model, and then promoted the price discovery in the nft market. As a result, a large number of nft prices continued to fall, whether it was a small picture or a big IP.
Blur grabs a large share of transactions, but in terms of absolute value, the transaction volume of Opensea has not really decreased significantly, and has remained at a relatively stable volume, which has recently been adjusted with the adjustment of the entire market. Although Blur's transaction share now accounts for more than 60%, it is still doubtful how long this model can last.
However, from the case of opensea/blur, we can see that, like dex, nft exchanges have no real stickiness among their users. They can transfer to another platform at will, as long as the policy provided by this platform is profitable.
The power of cognition is enormous, everything is caused by choice, and choice is determined by cognition. What is cognition determined by? Cognition is a function of brain input.
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