My wallet has 4/7 points yet on site it shows uneligible. From their site: EACH ADDRESS MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE POINT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE AIRDROP. Fully unfair airdrop went to sybils instead of real users.
假如你一天就买一只狗5sol 再平价卖掉 使用tg机器人,排除被盗归零可能性下,以平均1%抽水,一个月的水费就3sol
假如以高老师每天1000-5000 sol的操作一天就40sol的抽水
最顶级的sol/pump机器人+50多项其他脚本功能+alpha资讯+不定期超级豪华白单 很贵吗?
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