

Joined Jul 2024
73 Posts
🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Nov 24






#Web3 #空投 #链上土狗 #运气与努力 #财富轮动

    🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Nov 12



    #區塊鏈 #加密貨幣 #zksync #Starknet #Layerzero #投資策略

      🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Nov 04

      I learned to think like Defi and started making profits.

      Now, I have reached a new level!

      #Defi #套利 #投资

        🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Nov 03






        #反思 #道德 #善意的陷阱

          🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Oct 30

          和「地推」一樣,維權也是一種 meme


          結果律師又 rug 了他們一次,後來發現這個律師是項目方假扮的。

          #維權 #詐騙 #區塊鏈

            🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Oct 25

            In moments of agitation, refrain from uttering words or making decisions; instead, indulge in a period of silence.

            We have matured, and it is essential to learn to digest certain melancholic emotions independently. Embrace the mindset of letting go, releasing burdens without self-imposed constraints, and recognizing that oftentimes, having done your best is sufficient.

            Avoid further self-torment, for few in this world possess the capacity to genuinely empathize with your plight. The tribulations of adulthood seldom find a suitable audience for expression; they fester within, leading to fears of internalized affliction.

            Ultimately, the path to solace lies in self-reflection and self-encouragement.

            #MentalHealth #SelfCare #EmotionalWellbeing #PersonalGrowth

              🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Oct 25

              Individuals possessing inner strength share a commonality: an absence of fear regarding loss.

              They are untroubled by the potential forfeiture of relationships, unfazed by the loss of employment, and undeterred by missed opportunities.

              This mindset reflects a broader perspective on life’s journey—recognizing that one setback is merely a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of existence.

              What does it matter if a singular chance slips away? One can always seek out another.

              Thus, it is imperative to adopt a more assertive stance, nurturing both the courage to embrace loss and the confidence to reclaim one’s path.

              #InnerStrength #Fearlessness #LifePerspective #Resilience

                🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Oct 25

                Acquiring a mindset attuned to DeFi has propelled me to new heights following my foray into arbitrage!

                #DeFi #Arbitrage #CryptoInnovation

                  🇲🇴Mr.pp@petre·Aug 21

                  Engaging in discourse with experts regarding fundamental analysis is indeed imperative. It elucidates numerous blind spots concerning certain assets and strikes to the core of the matter.

                  #Investing #FundamentalAnalysis #ExpertInsight