I just voted "Yes" on "Create a Secure UniswapV3 Oracle for STG with Arrakis PALM" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x9b511ccf8bd097176255da63725877de9f80caeea8a28256ff50dfad10a3820d #snapshotlabs
Just joined the LI.FI / Jumper guild. Continuing my brave quest to explore all corners of web3!guild.xyz/lifi-transfertoxyz
Just joined the Scroll guild. Continuing my brave quest to explore all corners of web3!guild.xyz/scrollzkp
Just claimed this NFT on galxe, get yours via @Galxe galxe.com/SyncSwap/campaign/GCd81U1awt
I just voted "For" on "Proposal to adjust voting quorum and approval threshold" snapshot.org/#/acrossprotocol.eth/proposal/0x77d7006a0bc94ecc191aacebc17bc4a9d85e65066975c0412935657276acedec #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Yes" on "TOUCAN VOTE: Should Shell pause Discord Toucan roles when wraps begin?" snapshot.org/#/shellprotocol.eth/proposal/0x5703f4165baa8fedd3fbf17cd7145099b2cbb043e9b7c9fe2ca9b40801bad097 #snapshotlabs