hey I haven't checked in Lens for a while, this is changing haha. Is the creating a community feature gone?
Which DAOs offer sponsorships for ETH hackathons?
I was talking with a friend today from HER DAO which is getting her whole ticket and expenses payed for hackathons. I had no idea this was a thing :)
Hola Buenas a cualquiera que quiere verlo :) sobre gastronomia social !
Looking to grow my Lens following!
Everyone that collects this post and follows will get whitelisted for the Exodia.io free mint tomorrow.
This mint is the second of a set of five. It's for the Exodia Thunder Emblem. Holding the Thunder Emblem gives you free access to the Exodia wallet analysis page.
If this mint goes anything like the first mint you can expect 3000 unique holders and a value of around $50 for the NFT.
hola a todos ;))) un placer conoceros! Trabajo con EthicHub para ayudar a pequeños agricultores desbancarizados a conseguir financiación a bajos intereses :))
Hi all, I hope you are doing great! There is a lot of you and lot of great things we are working on. I created this community for us to all have a place within Lenster, if anyone is interest they can join. simple. This is a mere experiment, let's see how it goes :) lots of luv