i’m so early to @ZircuitL2 that they made me tweet this
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Everyone who has had $TIA airdropped to them should stake them with @nodeguardians.lens !
Their contributions are worth the support💪
I just spinned up my own #sepolia node and made my first RPC calls to it.
So hyped😄
Just discovered thirdweb.com for smart contracts deployments.
Totally hyped !
Just minted @patrickalphac.lens 's freecodecamp's
full blockchain - solidity - js course
completion #NFTs
a HUUUGE thank you for your time and effort !!
We're proud to introduce Lens Improvement Proposals (LIPs). This open, collaborative process will guide the future development of Lens Protocol.
Taking inspiration from the successful Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) and Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs), LIPs takes a step towards decentralized governance. The LIPs process will foster an inclusive, transparent and collaborative environment.
You will find how to participate in LIPs in the Lens Protocol’s GitHub repository, which streamlines the community participation process. It gives anyone the chance to submit proposals, and promotes open discussion.
Let's dive into the first three proposals that are live today:
LIP-0: Establishing an Open Governance Model. A process where the Lens community can propose improvements to Lens Protocol. From the submission of proposals to transparent discussions — we aim to foster an open, collaborative, and inclusive decision-making governance model.
LIP-1: Open Standards for Algorithms. A proposal to establish open standards for algorithms — based on the open Lens data layer — that will encourage the development of third-party algorithms, diverse experiences and provide user choice.
LIP-2: Open Standards for Metadata. An initiative to establish metadata standards for Lens Protocol, promoting transparency, interoperability, and user empowerment.
Take a deep dive into LIPs in our latest blog: mirror.xyz/lensprotocol.eth/8uxN9fMYBOqyDW5yZ6O3DDdOLEv1jJtxcw9qk4c4wgM
LIPs are our next step in enabling community involvement in shaping Lens Protocol's future.
Join us at github.com/lens-protocol/LIPs