Gros débat en ce moment depuis la sortie de la vidéo de Blast avec Salomé Saqué et Nastasia Hadjadji.
En particulier sur la neutralité (ou non) de #Bitcoin en tant qu'outil.
Je suis de ceux qui pensent qu'il est apolitique et je vais vous dire pourquoi.
C'est un outil à disposition de tout le monde, librement utilisable et facultatif. Si vous l'utilisez, c'est que vous le voulez, non parce qu'on vous y oblige de quelque manière que ce soit.
Vouloir lui attacher une matrice idéologique pour le critiquer et trouver un angle d'attaque est, à mon sens, fallacieux.
Nastasia Hadjadji dépeint une matrice réactionnaire, conservatrice, d'extrême-droite, complotiste et populiste. Elle base intégralement son discours sur les quelques membres de l'Alt Right américaine qui, très tôt, se sont emparés de Bitcoin.
Quand bien même ce serait vrai, le fait que Bitcoin rassemble une communauté hétéroclite de gens aux intérêts politiques et économiques "en tout point antagonistes" (et je reprends ici les propres mots de la journaliste, qui reconnaît elle-même cet état de fait) définit bien plus ce qu'il est.
C'est un commun dans lequel une grande diversité de personnes se retrouve et qui, politiquement, rassemble bien au-delà de l'extrême-droite.
Peu importe son bord politique, rien n'empêche d'avoir recours à Bitcoin et d'y trouver un intérêt. Car expliquer que Bitcoin sert un agenda politique suggère qu'il n'aurait d'intérêt que pour cet agenda politique et donc uniquement pour les personnes qui y adhèrent. Ce qui est factuellement faux, on l'a dit. Utiliser Bitcoin ne va pas de paire avec le fait de prendre sa carte au Rassemblement National.
D'ailleurs, rappelons que la majorité des utilisateurs de Bitcoin aujourd'hui dans le monde sont des habitants de pays pauvres ou en voie de développement de l'hémisphère Sud, notamment Amérique Latine et Afrique, souvent en proie à de fortes dévaluations monétaires, à l'hyperinflation ou encore à des banques fermées pour empêcher un bank run. Vous pensez vraiment que toutes ces personnes se posent la question de leur couleur politique ou de la prétendue matrice idéologique qu'il y aurait derrière Bitcoin ?
Au passage, Nastasia Hadjadji défend aussi dans son livre que Bitcoin et l'écosystème #cryptos sont un système néocolonial vis-à-vis de ces pays-là... Alors même que nous en sommes aux balbutiements en termes d'adoption et que ce sont dans ces pays-là que l'on trouve les plus forts taux d'utilisation.
C'est pourquoi je pense qu'un outil est bien plus définit par ses usages.
Un outil, fut-il créé dans un certain but politique, n'a d'impact que s'il est utilisé et c'est donc cet usage qui va déterminer l'impact de l'outil, non sa prétendue matrice idéologique. Car l'usage qui en sera fait ne sera peut-être pas du tout conforme à la vision de ses créateurs.
En voici un exemple 👇
#btc #hodl #bitcoins #politique
🔍Do you know the Ledger hidden wallet?🔎
The controversy surrounding the Ledger Recover service will at least have resulted in the acceleration of Ledger's open source roadmap.
In particular, future tools are announced that will allow you to implement your own shard backup yourself. We will see what it will give, we can at least salute this desire. Or the open sourcing of the famous recovery service, which will only be implemented once it is open source.
Here we see the full strength of the crypto community and, above all, the impact that we all have, collectively, as consumers: it is possible to reverse entities when we bang our fists together on the table. This should inspire us for many other subjects and this case deserves to be widely disseminated to the population to make people aware of what can happen when a consensus is expressed.
What is it?
In concrete terms, you have the option of creating a second PIN code on your Ledger, to which you will associate a passphrase (100 characters max). This can be a word, a sequence of words, a sequence of alphanumeric characters + symbols, etc. Everything will generate a hidden wallet for you, on your key, of which you will be the only one to know the existence. If the PIN code entered when the key is turned on is not the one associated with this hidden wallet, we will not be able to see what is on it.
👉 you leave very few funds on your default wallet, the one you arrive on when you enter your usual PIN code.
👉 on your hidden wallet, of which you are the only one to know the existence, you place the rest safe. That way, even in the event of theft, robbery or recovery of your seed by a government, what is on the hidden wallet remains inaccessible 😉🤫
#opensource #cryptos #Bitcoin #btc #Ledger
Will Ledger Recover help bring in the next billion users?
For me, this kind of service promotes adoption and we will need to facilitate the handling of these new tools / technologies. It's just unavoidable and I think it's veiling the face to imagine otherwise. It's like account abstraction or ENS (which however require you to already hold ETH and make a transaction to acquire your ENS).
Now a legitimate question arises:
Is a Ledger key the right product for this kind of service?
It meets a real need of beginners who are often worried about having to manage and secure on their own and being fully responsible for their funds.
But people who come to buy a hardware wallet have already come a long way in discovery, learning and adoption. Especially when it comes to security. These people therefore understand the value of securing their private keys and seed phrases themselves, as well as the responsibilities that this entails, and they are ready to assume them.
If we are targeting great beginners, then we are reaching people who are not there yet, at least in my opinion.
The solution of the new device on which the recovery service would have been implemented and activated by default, with a different Secure Element and a different firmware, would surely have been able to reassure more, leaving the devices marketed until then unchanged. It would also have had the advantage of remaining consistent with Ledger's communication: the company had indicated, several months ago, that it was not possible for them to recover the private keys. From what I have read, it is in fact mainly this that crystallizes the current controversy.
A new device easier to use, with a more fluid UX could have been a good idea also in the perspective of the question of adoption and whether such a service will sell more keys.
#Ledger #Bitcoin #BTC #cryptocurrencies
🔥 This is THE hot topic of the moment in the #cryptos ecosystem 🔥
It can be summed up in two words:
💥 #Ledger Recover 💥
So opportunity or threat ⁉ 🤯
Tool for adopting or denaturing the #blockchain philosophy ⁉
I offer you a reflection around all this 🧠
I'm curious to hear your opinion, given the stir caused by the announcement.
What do you think ? ✍
Who will send their key(s) to the recycling center?
Who's watching all this with 🍿?
When a bank creates a stablecoin, what happens?
Response with Société Générale:
A transfer feature that allows them to retrieve all your funds at the push of a button.
A function that allows them to burn your EURCV.
End of the joke.
#Bitcoin #BTC #cryptos #cryptocurrencies #hodl #LMCC
Good luck bro ! Thanks for all, keep going and see you soon 😉
Take the time to watch this video from the founder of @alyra.lens, the #blockchain school, who talks about education as the most powerful weapon for the development and democratization of the blockchain and #crypto ecosystem.
#Bitcoin #BTC #ETH #Ethereum #cryptomonnaies #formation #training #education #learn #apprendre #apprentissage
Florida Governor Ron de Santis dislikes #CBDCs.
Neither does the former Governor of the Bank of England.
Interesting as a posture on the part of profiles like these, at a time when we are sold these CBDCs as the solution to all our problems.
#Bitcoin #BTC #HODL
#Bitcoin and #cryptos aren't the only ones competing with the banking industry.
On April 19, ADAN and KPMG will present the results of their study on the #web3 #blockchain ecosystem in France.
Can't wait to find out these numbers!
Last year, this same study revealed that 8% of French people already had their own #cryptos, or that 83% of the companies questioned had difficulty recruiting, in particular due to a lack of candidates.
It will be very interesting to see the changes in 1 year (and what a year!).
#Bitcoin #BTC #Ethereum #ETH #LMCC