I just voted "Year 2023" on "Poll by @pemission.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xa36401aea58c4756131d27bc99a305e05125b68bc51178c863646a77e34e7ecd #Snapshot
I just voted "DeFi" on " What was your favorite Use Case of the Linea Voyage Quest? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0x9f0e54337d515a9daa2e9cc05580b1993ebb18e2ebc465cf3ee6e777df369e2b #Snapshot
I just voted "DeFi" on " What was your favorite Use Case of the Linea Voyage Quest? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0x9f0e54337d515a9daa2e9cc05580b1993ebb18e2ebc465cf3ee6e777df369e2b #Snapshot
I just voted "ETH is ETH" on "Poll by @stani.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x3e2afa1329a1bac13048198a225a59411b8dbfcb15fa6a361413b44550cd4b7f #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes ✅" on "Poll by @yoginth.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xf925c956cdb2a8797fde0f6bdc598727a2944be742621a5230cc15d25d8f3f91 #Snapshot
I just voted "Option 2 (Front and Back)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
Take time to know yourself.
"Know thyself" said Aristotle. When you know who you are, you can be wise about your goals, your dreams, your standards, your convtions. Knowing who you are allows you to live your life with purpose and meaning.