A heritage that has the accumulation of knowledge and art as the ground and support of it
But like you don't need to buy it but people still do, and like it was the only cool one and it was made by an art collective called Remillia.
They can also take home Mama Odie’s Hot Sauce and Dooky Chase’s Seasonings, which were previously only sold at Dooky Chase’s Restaurant in New Orleans.
this in particular is a combination of key moments from my adventure in motion form, still moments from evan’s, and a blip of sound from jordan’s all coming together in harmony to create something we once again can work on from different places on the planet that people can enjoy.
every journey has steps. in life. in career. for camera based creatives there’s usually a visual timeline in our archives that tells a story in itself.
Drafting up new sketches for an upcoming mural out in Oregon early May. Trees on trees in the PNW. Will show more as it comes to painting day, but here’s a little sneak peek.
Going deep into the crunchy rawness of low sample rate, low bit depth digital synthesis, running on computers built in 1980.
I even pulled out the origami books she gave me 25 year ago (and now my house is full of origami).