Shifting gears here. Do you know what this means? 👀 for the the upcoming week.
made in collaboration w/ udio, runway, luma, midjourney.
One of the ideas that, imo, is often taken for granted or not given the attention it deserves is the concept of “if you want to see X (a miracle, for example), be the X (the miracle)”
In case you're couch-rotting instead, new edition of the Touch Grass newsletter! this time, trying to do something different, so we invited [localhost:3000/u/dee_centralized](@dee%5C_centralized]( to write with us!
Good times. Mike Hunt def the fav, or Jack Mehoff ...
Had a ton of fun tonight at Brickbox Brewery here in Tucson!! 🕺 Here’s a little clip of me performing ‘Late Nigh...
Had a ton of fun tonight at Brickbox Brewery here in Tucson!! 🕺 Here’s a little clip of me performing ‘Late Nigh...