I just voted "Yes" on "[PROPOSAL-003] Guru Ecosystem Incentivization & Airdrop Mechanism" snapshot.org/#/thegurudao.eth/proposal/0x9b3e3fa8bf00ef59581be541259e21211d269758e4cf79a9b8a85d2216092174 #SnapshotVote
I Just snagged 1800 points on @thedapplist! 🤯
@zerion DNA holders - you gotta get in on this! 🙌
I just voted "YAE" on "[ARFC] Deploy a Lido Aave v3 Instance" snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x9403b7f704ade0d6510591e4846fd85c84b19d134c0814511af914751ecfad5d #SnapshotVote
I just collected Eternal Garden // ZERO [CODEX] (Redacted) by ETERNAL GARDEN
Just minted Day 246 on @basepaint_xyz! Hundreds of pixel artists made this together on the blockchain. Minting is open only for 24h
Just minted Day 206 on @basepaint_xyz! Hundreds of pixel artists made this together on the blockchain. Minting is open only for 24h
I just voted "YAE" on "[ARFC] Enable Metis as Collateral on Metis Chain" snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x2e15c7011a6696de1be8fb3476db30395225eb533f849b63bdbff2b33a605ffd #Snapshot
I just claimed "Day 4: Decent " on Coinvise, check it out!