曾經的 Layer2 四大天王:Optimism、Arbitrum、zkSync、StarkNet,已僅剩後兩者沒有宣布空投。 Optimism 和 Arbitrum 先後實踐了生態積累 + 空投搶用戶的打法,結果已經在 Layer2 生態的市場份額中得到體現。隨著 Layer2 生態愈發成熟,加之 EIP-4844 將大幅降低 Rollup 費用,搶占用戶將成為 Layer2 制勝的核心因素。在現行的市場格局下,留給 zkSync 和 StarkNet 搶占市場時間已經不多,項目間的競爭和用戶的 fomo 帶來的財富效應已經讓 Layer2 Summer 呼之欲出。項目概況
(注:EIP-4844 是對以太坊網絡的一次改進提案,有望將 Rollup 的開銷降低 10-100 倍。它將向以太坊引入一種新的交易類型,這種交易類型可以攜帶短暫存在的被稱為 blob 的數據。之前以 Calldata 形式存儲的數據可用性可以改為由 blob 進行存儲,而 blob 的存儲成本比 calldata 便宜得多。在用戶體驗層面,用戶最直觀的感知就是 L2 費用大幅降低,這將為 L2 生態的爆發提供重要基礎。)
作為 Layer2 四大天王中估值最高(母公司 StarWare 估值 80 億美金)的項目,StarkNet 生態項目的含金量不用多說,從近期的交易活躍度就可見一斑。
StarkNet 已經於 2022 年 11 月 16 日宣佈在以太坊主網上部署了其原生代幣 $STRK,用於投票、質押和支付費用,代幣分配仍待決定
StarkNet 的母公司 StarkWare 成立於 2018 年,總部位於以色列,兩個主要產品為基於以太坊主網構建的擴容引擎 StarkEx 和 通用型 ZK-Rollup StarkNet。 StarWare 技術團隊已經在 ZKP 領域擁有十多年的研究與工程經驗,於 2018 年率先提出採用 SATRK 有效性證明解決以太坊可擴展性難題,實現解鎖大規模可擴展性。
StarkEx:為應用程序設計的二層可擴展性引擎,StarkEx 為每一個應用提供專門的 Rollup 技術服務,自 2020 年就已正式上線以太坊主網,相對成熟。目前基於 StarkEX 開發的項目有 Sorare、immutableX、dYdX、ApeX 等著名項目。
StarkNet:可以部署任意的智能合約的通用型 Rollup,無需為特定應用做定制開發。 StarkNet 於 2021 年 11 月上線以太坊主網,目前有 50+項目上線主網,100+項目上線測試網。
StarkWare 在 7 輪融資中累計已獲得 2.73 億美元融資,2018 年 1 月完成 600 萬美元種子輪融資,同年 7 月獲得以太坊基金會的 1200 萬美元贈款;2021 年 3 月份完成 Paradigm 領投的 7500 萬 B 輪融資,同年 11 月份完成 5000 萬美元 C 輪融資,投資方包括 Paradigm、Alameda Research、Three Arrows Capital 等;2022 年 5 月 25 日,StarkWare 以 80 億美元估值完成 1 億美元 D 輪融資,Greenoaks Capital、Coatue、Tiger Global 和其他參與者領投。
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This guide contains the relevant sections for how to connect to Mocha, depending on the type of node you are running. Mocha testnet is designed to help validators test out their infrastructure and node software. Developers are encouraged to deploy their sovereign rollups on Mocha, but we also recommend Arabica devnet for that as it is designed for development purposes.
Mocha is a milestone in Celestia, allowing everyone to test out core functionalities on the network. Read the anouncement here. Your best approach to participating is to first determine which node you would like to run. Each node guides will link to the relevant network in order to show you how to connect to them.
You have a list of options on the type of nodes you can run in order to participate in Mocha:
Validator nodeConsensus full node
Data Availability:
Bridge nodeFull storage nodeLight node
Select the type of node you would like to run and follow the instructions on each respective page. Whenever you are asked to select the type of network you want to connect to in those guides, select Mocha
in order to refer to the correct instructions on this page on how to connect to Mocha.
RPC endpoints
Was searching through the catalogue for something and came across this particular era late 2017 into 2018 when A LOT of my LA time was spent in the studio with Buddy. Mostly hanging as a fly on the wall, eating food, smoking blunts, sipping Henny. Some big hitters in the room - Brody Brown of Grammy award winning Bruno Mars 24k Magic fame (and now member of Silk Sonic) was EP, Mike & Keys who produced the late great Nipsey Hussle's Victory Lap, and my guy Roofeeo, drummer for Tv On the Radio and later becoming executive producer for Buddy's most recent album. Any given night was neighboring rooms to the likes of Migos et al but we were within the walls of the main studio where MJ recorded Thriller, all the way down to the exact mic 🤯 wild times. Feels like ten years ago already.
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