I'm gonna keep this for a little while, said Keeps and everybody knew it was in its best interest.
I just voted "Yes" on "$ARB Token Allocation" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x108a9e597560c4f249cd8be23acd409059fcd17bb2290d69a550ac2232676e7d #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Ammendment to SIP#20 - Continued Balance and Rebalancing" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x5280241b4ccc9b7c5088e657a714d28fa89bd5305a1ff0abf0736438c446ae98 #Snapshot
I just voted "Option 1 (Only Front)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
I just voted "Nah, I don't really" on "Poll by @stani.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xfa2d8929571b100be0c6ec0c391571a662edc9b6d16b018931870d12e410d717 #Snapshot