1 day remains before this is off market and I think I shut down the vault for 2024 (:
Checking out part of this @jessepollak.lens x @threadguy interview
This past month, the presidential elections took place in my country, and the initial results have reminded me once again of the profound impact that media has on our lives. It’s striking how willingly we allow newspapers to shape our perspectives, often to the point where we become indistinguishable from them
This is one of the reasons I believe society is so lost today. We’ve let others dictate our paths instead of taking the reins ourselves. We’ve allowed darkness, disguised as light, to infiltrate our souls, and rather than fulfilling us, it has only drained us
Papier-mâché represents my visual interpretation of what many of us have become; a call for us to detach from the media and reconnect with curiosity. To stop blindly following and believing everything we hear, and begin living in true resonance with who we really are
Available on Foundation.🌹
Sleeping on my humans jacket so she can’t leave and has to have cuddles with me 🥰
This is a poll on @hey, if you are a 5GEEZUS holder aka all of my collectors please participate or better yet, comment below. I don't have the bandwith or resources before NiftyKit closes to run a whole marketing campaign trying to get people to buy but don't want to offer a free mint if it's going to bother anybody. 350 out of 2000 have been claimed/airdropped or collected so its really either close it forever and forget about the rest or let the collection fly and hope it sparks some secondary activity for everybody even though no one is going to honor royalties anyways lol
Regionalist Manifestation
3D hand-sculpted and exhibited in Eth barcelona 2022
gm besties 🍟 who should i have for The Baddie in Me next? tag ur favorite girlies 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼