Jorge Mora

Made in Ontinyent. Growing up in the world.

Joined Jun 2022
74 Posts
@nilesh:orb is growing everyday!
Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Mar 06

Orb v2 is the most minimalist and beautiful app I am using right now. Congrats!

    @xyori:When can i use this button? @lens/nilesh 🫨🫨🫨
    Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Mar 06

    I guess devs are working on it… It doesn’t look an easy task.

    …And also I think they have family and friends to take a rest… a few hours per day.

      Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Mar 06

      Why still nobody has created a blobs meme coin in ethereum?

        Taking a page from @stani .

        From now on to see the power of the people. All post will be collectible with pointless or bonsai.

        However if it’s a mirror and someone collects whoever mirrors the post gets the money.

        Thoughts on why this is a great use case. It gets your past the friend of friends algo in some places .

        Since there are still 200k+ people now you don’t know who’s just like okay that seems cool I buy it . Helping 2 people instead of one. The more someone collects the more it gets pushed to others.

        Also it activates those who “want a clean feed” to break that habit to make a bit of potential passive income just from a simple mirror.

        Imagine going viral off of a quote tweet and since that tweet had something to buy you make the profit . Same situation here .

          Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Feb 07

          I Love the airdrops! Having fun on crypto and at the same time getting hundreds of dollars. Nobody in my circle understand this... We are so early!

            Stani@stani·Feb 07

            Raise your hand below if you would like to become a gardener? Basically getting little bit more rights to flag spam and combat on bots. Looking for initial set of people based on interest (and your activity within the Lens community). The first round of gardeners can be ad hoc and next rounds could be managed via LIP. Raise your hand below if you are interested to help Lens retaining quality while going permissionless 👋🏻

              Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Dec 02

              Hey Lenny!

              Post by @jorgemora
                Aave Labs@aave·Sep 07

                “We made strides distinguishing DeFi as a transparent, secure and efficient financial solution, but there is still work to be done both in terms of integration solutions and education,” said @stani.lens, Founder and CEO of Aave Companies. “Aave looks forward to working with the Coalition to develop stronger lines of communication.”

                Read the article on @thedefiant.lens:

                  Jorge Mora@jorgemora·Sep 07

                  Let's go to Mint the Logos!! ...By Blitmap