
Enthusiast, studying WEB3

Joined Jun 2022
133 Posts

Morph Partners with Goldsky to Enhance Data Indexing Capabilities

The blockchain world thrives on data—whether it’s powering applications, analytics, or decentralized projects, accurate and real-time information is critical. In an exciting new development, Morph has partnered with Goldsky, a high-performance data indexing provider, to deliver seamless access to blockchain data for developers and projects within the Morph ecosystem. This collaboration aims to simplify data extraction, transformation, and loading processes, making complex blockchain data accessible and actionable for a wide range of use cases.

Overview of Goldsky’s Role

Goldsky specializes in indexing blockchain data through two core offerings: Subgraphs and Mirror. These tools are essential for processing on-chain data, ensuring developers can focus on building innovative solutions without getting bogged down by the complexities of data management.

- Subgraphs: A high-performance method of indexing blockchain events, allowing data to be queried quickly and effectively.

- Mirror: A real-time data replication pipeline that synchronizes blockchain data into external systems, flat files, or even as Kafka topics, providing developers with flexibility in how they manage and use their data.

Partnership Scope

The Morph-Goldsky partnership brings Goldsky’s advanced data indexing solutions directly to the Morph ecosystem, offering specific benefits and exclusive perks for developers. Here’s what’s available:

- Subgraphs: Enabled for all developers in the Morph ecosystem, with a 100% discount on subgraph workers and entities stored. This makes it easier than ever to deploy and manage subgraphs on Morph.

- Mirror: All developers in the ecosystem can benefit from a 10% discount on pipeline workers and events written, allowing for efficient real-time data replication from the Morph blockchain.

These perks make Goldsky’s tools more accessible, empowering developers to build data-driven applications without the heavy costs associated with traditional data indexing.

Why This Partnership Matters

The integration of Goldsky’s indexing services into Morph’s ecosystem provides immense value for both developers and end-users. By enabling easier access to on-chain data, developers can focus on creating more robust applications that harness the power of blockchain. Whether it’s powering decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, NFT marketplaces, or other consumer-focused applications, this partnership is a game-changer for the Morph ecosystem.

How Developers Can Get Started

Getting started with Goldsky’s tools is straightforward. Developers need to:

1. Create a Goldsky account

2. Install the Goldsky CLI

3. Log in to begin deploying subgraphs or using the Mirror functionality.

Subgraphs can be deployed either via the command-line interface (CLI) from a local configuration file or by using the instant subgraphs option, which generates subgraph configuration files automatically from a contract address and ABI. This quick-start approach eliminates the complexity of manual setup, letting developers extract blockchain event data quickly.

For developers looking to mirror subgraphs, Goldsky offers support for transferring data into external databases, flat files, or Kafka topics. This allows for seamless integration of Morph blockchain data into a wide range of infrastructures.

Looking Ahead

This partnership between Morph and Goldsky sets the stage for an even more robust and scalable Morph ecosystem. With real-time data access now easier than ever, developers will have the tools they need to build innovative applications and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the blockchain space. This collaboration not only enhances Morph’s ecosystem but also positions it as a key player in delivering reliable, scalable solutions for decentralized applications.

For more details on how to get started with Goldsky’s tools in the Morph ecosystem, visit the Morph ecosystem site and reach out to the relevant developer relations teams for access codes or partnership perks.


This partnership is just another example of how Morph continues to expand its ecosystem, supporting innovation through strong collaborations with leading blockchain infrastructure providers like Goldsky.



Post by @ixela

    Mainnet Ambassador Program Update: A New Chapter

    Now that we’ve hit mainnet, it’s an exciting time to be part of the Aleo Ambassador Program. Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen this community grow stronger, fueled by the passion, creativity, and dedication of ambassadors from all around the world. We’ve stuck together through ups and downs, all working towards a vision of a more secure internet.

    When I first joined the program, it was clear that the goal was to bring people together to support Aleo—whether by driving adoption, raising awareness, or strengthening the community. The program has evolved since then, introducing new roles like Governors, who manage decentralized governance, and Maestro Checkers, who ensure everything aligns with Aleo’s mission.

    At the same time, Aleo itself has been growing. The launch of the Aleo Network Foundation is just one example of how the project has matured, focusing on open-source governance, developer engagement, and pushing forward zero-knowledge cryptography.

    What’s Next for Ambassadors?

    With mainnet here, a lot of us are wondering what’s next for the Ambassador Program. Fortunately, it’s not changing too much. The core structure stays the same—there are still the three roles of Apprentice, Voyager, and Maestro. We still need to contribute content and earn Aleo Points (which, let’s be honest, don’t hold any real value). Maestro Checkers will keep an eye on the quality of our work, and Governors will handle decentralized voting for program and network updates.

    What is changing is the type of content we need to produce. Going forward, everything has to be directly related to the mainnet, and interacting with the chain is now a requirement for all ambassadors.

    Aleo Token Distribution for Ambassadors

    If you’ve been in the program for a while, you know Aleo Points are just a way to track our contributions. They’re useful, but they don’t carry any value. That’s why it’s great to see Aleo rewarding us with tokens now that mainnet is live. It feels like a well-earned acknowledgment of everything the community has put into this project.

    Here are some key points to remember:

    - The claims process for receiving tokens is outlined in the blog “Understanding the Claim Process for Incentive Programs.”

    - Tokens will be distributed based on ambassador ranking and contributions. However, there’s no point in asking for specifics—they’ve made it clear that asking for individual numbers might get you removed from the program.

    - There’s a one-year lock-up period for Aleo Tokens starting from the date of mainnet launch.

    In a really nice move, they’ve doubled the token pool for ambassadors from 2 million to 4 million tokens.

    Staying Safe

    With the project growing, scams are becoming a bigger concern. Aleo is adding a #verified-links channel on Discord under the Welcome section, which should help everyone stay safe. Always make sure to use links from there, and keep an eye out for regular updates.

    It’s an exciting time to be part of the Aleo community, and I can’t wait to see how we all interact with the chain now that mainnet is live. If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the community team on Discord. Let’s keep pushing forward and building something great!


    Post by @ixela
      Ixela@ixela·Aug 30

      Just as thriving cities and blooming gardens do not emerge overnight, blockchain ecosystems also require deliberate development. Cities evolved over time through the strength of effective markets, and natural selection fostered balanced biodiversity. Similarly, blockchain networks need thoughtful growth to achieve equilibrium and sustainability.

      Building a successful blockchain ecosystem requires careful planning and design to ensure long-term survival, network stability, and a genuinely decentralized system. A key factor contributing to Aleo's decentralization is its diverse network of validators, who serve as infrastructure providers and secure the network through AleoBFT, a consensus mechanism based on Proof-of-Stake.

      Selecting a diverse group of validators is essential to shaping Aleo into a robust, resilient, and decentralized network—much like urban planning or forest management. Bringing in and engaging a wide array of ecosystem participants, represented by validators, is a critical first step we can take early on.

      Ensuring True Decentralization in Blockchain Ecosystems

      Historically, claiming that a network has a decentralized set of validators implies that its underlying infrastructure is also diversified. Decentralized networks rely on a varied infrastructure stack to maintain resilience in Byzantine environments. This issue of "decentralization in name only" often signals deeper concerns related to the genuine progress of decentralization across the broader ecosystem.

      Blockchain ecosystems extend beyond infrastructure service providers. As a financial technology platform, the blockchain ecosystem must foster growth across domains like data analytics providers, consumer applications, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, marketing services, auditors, traders, developers, artists, gamers, regional interest groups, and much more.

      Aleo can achieve the strength of a decentralized network with infrastructure resilience and healthy ecosystem representation. We can realize this by intentionally cultivating diversity and representation at both the infrastructure and ecosystem levels. Our collaborative delegation program, spanning our foundation, backers, and the Aleo community, is designed to ensure this essential diversification.

      Cultivating Representative Governance

      As blockchain ecosystems evolve, governance becomes crucial. Validators, much like legislators, must represent the interests of different segments of the ecosystem, ensuring that governance reflects the full spectrum of network participants. The Aleo Network Foundation is committed to fostering such representation, empowering validators to guide the ecosystem's growth with intentionality and inclusiveness.

      Congressional legislators act as general-purpose lawmakers assigned to subcommittees focused on specific areas, steering the direction of new laws by offering expertise and support. Similarly, validators function as general-purpose infrastructure providers who can be grouped into specialized categories representing different sectors to guide network development, providing knowledge and support. These specific parts of the network ecosystem are often serviced through DAOs, subcommittees, working groups, etc. Validators must represent groups that are unique to the ecosystem. The Aleo Network Foundation seeks to instill this purpose at the outset of our network.

      The governing powers of validators should not be confined to a single domain but instead represent the entire ecosystem. Part of the responsibility of the Aleo Network Foundation is to ensure the groundwork for diverse representation across all ecosystem domains as we launch the mainnet. In doing so, we can help establish the foundation for an ideal representative governance system, supported by a diverse community of validators.


      Post by @ixela
        Ixela@ixela·Aug 27

        Aleo zkCloud: Secure and Decentralized Data Processing

        Aleo zkCloud is a decentralized platform utilizing cryptography to ensure secure data processing without centralized servers or trusted intermediaries. At its core, Aleo zkCloud leverages zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), allowing verification of data accuracy without revealing the data itself. This approach ensures that transactions are trustworthy without disclosing sensitive information.

        The platform has wide applications, from finance and healthcare to the Internet of Things (IoT). In finance, Aleo zkCloud secures transactions; in healthcare, it safeguards patient records; in IoT, it enables confidential and secure applications. Its decentralized architecture distributes data across multiple network nodes, reducing the risks of breaches or failures by eliminating single points of vulnerability. Each node has its own encryption key, ensuring that data remains encrypted during storage and transmission, accessible only with the correct key.

        By distributing data across multiple points, Aleo zkCloud provides system resilience, making it harder for malicious actors to compromise the entire system. The decentralized structure enhances both privacy and system robustness, preventing data loss even if some nodes fail.

        Zero-knowledge proofs are central to Aleo zkCloud's privacy protection. These cryptographic methods allow the validation of operations without exposing the underlying data. This ensures that even the system cannot access the content being processed, offering strong privacy guarantees.

        The technology is particularly advantageous in sectors where data confidentiality is paramount, such as finance and healthcare. Aleo zkCloud enables secure, encrypted financial transactions and protects medical records from unauthorized access, providing robust security across industries.

        Aleo zkCloud continues to evolve, with ongoing developments expected to enhance its performance, scalability, and security. As the digital landscape grows, so will the demand for secure and private data processing, making Aleo zkCloud a key player in addressing these challenges.


        Post by @ixela
          Ixela@ixela·Aug 27

          The Aleo community is united by a simple idea: we deserve a safer internet, and a privacy-first, zero-knowledge network is the way to achieve that.

          The journey began with Aleo Testnet 1 in 2020, progressing through milestones like the largest setup ceremony in blockchain history, various testnets, and reward programs. These initiatives validated Aleo's architecture, confirmed its cryptoeconomic design, and fostered a dynamic ecosystem of developers, verifiers, miners, and ambassadors.

          Aleo has grown into a thriving community with over 500,000 active Discord members, 10,000 deployed programs, and 300 ambassadors. The Aleo Network Foundation allocated 40 million Aleo Credits and over $8 million in rewards to support the network.

          We celebrate our community’s commitment to advancing zero-knowledge technology through incentivized testnets, contests, and programs.

          Testnet 1 (2020)

          Founded by Howard Wu, Michael Beller, Collin Chin, and Raymond Chu, Aleo was launched to offer a platform for fully private applications. In June 2020, Aleo released its developer preview with Aleo Studio and the Leo coding language. Testnet1 was based on ZEXE research.

          Setup Ceremony (2021)

          In August 2021, Aleo held a groundbreaking setup ceremony, involving over 2,200 participants. This established the foundation for decentralized private computation, ensuring a robust and secure network.

          Testnet 2 (2021-2022)

          Testnet2 tested over 10,000 nodes and generated millions of zero-knowledge proofs—more than any other platform. Critical consensus issues were resolved, and multiple mining pools were established to distribute hash power and ensure accountability. Miners and verifiers earned 15 million Aleo Credits.

          Testnet 3 (2022-2023)

          Testnet3 introduced AleoBFT, combining proof-of-stake consensus with verifiers’ rewards. Deploy & execute was also launched, enabling developers to deploy zk-programs. The program rewarded the community for contributions to verifying and deploying apps.

          Prover Incentives II (2024)

          In July 2024, Aleo launched Prover Incentives II, encouraging verifiers to participate in validating rewards mechanisms. Over two weeks, Aleo offered 1 million credits for participation.

          Public Engagement

          Aleo’s commitment to zero-knowledge tech extended beyond testnets through initiatives like the Ambassador Program, ZPrize, zkML, and Enigma.

          - Ambassador Program (2022): Built a community of over 415 ambassadors creating valuable content about Aleo.

          - ZPrize (2022-2023): A competition aimed at improving performance, diversity, and awareness of zero-knowledge cryptography. Results showed significant improvements in key algorithms, setting new industry standards.

          - zkML (2023): Integrated machine learning with zero-knowledge proofs, supporting projects in this emerging field.

          - Enigma (2023): A game held at Devconnect, bringing together ZK developers to solve puzzles on the Aleo platform.

          Mainnet (2024)

          Aleo is preparing for its mainnet launch, with security audits by three independent firms and additional updates in 2024. The Aleo Network Foundation was established to support Aleo’s transition to a fully decentralized, open-source network.

          The collective effort of hundreds of thousands has brought Aleo closer to its mainnet. These initiatives tested Aleo’s technical foundation and built a strong, engaged community ready to lead the network’s future. As Aleo approaches its next chapter, the contributions of every participant will shape both its future and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

          Don't miss Mainnet to see next-generation applications <x.com/AleoHQ>

          Post by @ixela
            Ixela@ixela·Aug 20

            Aleo and the Future of Privacy in the Metaverse

            The Metaverse, often seen as the next stage of the internet, is becoming a hot topic in tech. It's a virtual space where users interact with each other and digital objects, creating new realities with endless possibilities. However, this growth raises serious privacy concerns due to the massive amounts of data being collected and processed. Aleo, a privacy-focused blockchain platform, could play a crucial role in protecting personal data in the Metaverse. In this article, we'll explore how Aleo could shape the future of privacy in this digital world.

            Privacy Challenges in the Metaverse The Metaverse promises an immersive virtual environment for work, play, commerce, and communication. But it also introduces major privacy challenges:

            1. Data Overload The Metaverse collects vast amounts of personal, behavioral, and financial data, increasing the risk of misuse or leaks.

            2. Digital Identity Users create avatars in the Metaverse. Protecting these digital identities is vital to avoid tracking, manipulation, or data theft.

            3. Transaction Security The Metaverse will host commercial activity, making secure and private transactions essential to protect financial data.

            4. Lack of Regulation As a new and largely unregulated space, the Metaverse poses privacy risks, with users often unaware of how their data is being collected and used.****

            How Aleo Ensures Privacy in the Metaverse Aleo offers advanced cryptographic tools like Zero-Knowledge Proofs and private smart contracts to secure user data in the Metaverse.

            Key Advantages of Aleo:

            1. Private Transactions Aleo guarantees full privacy for financial transactions, keeping details like amounts and participants confidential.

            2. Digital Identity Protection Aleo shields users' digital identities from tracking or theft through Zero-Knowledge Proofs.

            3. Private Smart Contracts Aleo supports private smart contracts that automate interactions in the Metaverse while keeping the terms confidential.

            4. Decentralized Security Aleo’s decentralized architecture safeguards data against unauthorized access and central attacks.

            Use Cases in the Metaverse Aleo can enhance privacy across various Metaverse applications:

            1. Private Virtual Meetings Aleo can secure virtual business or personal meetings, keeping conversations and identities confidential.

            2. Private Digital Assets Users can trade private NFTs and virtual property, protecting their investments and transactions.

            3. Secure Social Networks Aleo enables privacy-focused social networks, ensuring safe user interactions.

            .4 Protected Sensitive Content Aleo offers additional privacy for adult content or other sensitive material, ensuring user anonymity.

            While integrating Aleo into the Metaverse poses technical challenges and requires user education on data protection, the potential for enhanced privacy is promising. As demand for security grows, Aleo could become a key tool in protecting personal data in the Metaverse, fostering trust and privacy for users worldwide.

            Aleo has the potential to significantly improve privacy in the Metaverse by protecting digital identities, transactions, and user data. Its advanced cryptographic technology and decentralized design could help create a safer and more private environment in the evolving digital landscape.


            Post by @ixela
              Ixela@ixela·Aug 17

              Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs

              Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are cryptographic protocols that allow one party to prove the truth of a statement to another without revealing any additional details beyond the fact of its truth. This is essential in the blockchain world, where transparency must coexist with privacy.

              Simply put, ZKPs enable the verification of a transaction's validity without exposing its details. For instance, you can confirm that a user has sufficient funds for a transaction without revealing their account balance.

              How Aleo Utilizes ZKPs

              Aleo incorporates ZKPs into its architecture to ensure that transactions and smart contract executions are both verifiable and private. Here's how it works:

              Private Transactions: When a transaction is processed on the Aleo network, details such as the amount and parties involved remain hidden. However, the network can still verify the transaction's validity using ZKPs, adhering to all necessary rules without disclosing sensitive information.

              Secure Smart Contracts: Aleo's smart contracts function privately. ZKPs allow complex operations within smart contracts while keeping data confidential. This is crucial for applications requiring a high level of privacy, such as voting systems or financial services.

              Example of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Action

              To illustrate how ZKPs can be implemented on the Aleo platform, consider a scenario where you need to privately add two numbers. Using ZKPs, you can verify that the sum is correct without revealing the individual numbers involved. This ensures that while the operation’s result is confirmed, the initial values remain private.

              Benefits of Aleo’s Approach

              Aleo’s integration of ZKPs offers several advantages:

              Enhanced Privacy: By keeping transaction details confidential, Aleo protects users from unwanted surveillance and data leaks, making the platform ideal for handling sensitive information.

              Scalability: ZKPs allow off-chain transactions while maintaining the ability to verify them on-chain, reducing the network’s computational load.

              Interoperability: Aleo's cryptographic architecture ensures seamless operation with other blockchains, enabling the creation of dApps that maintain privacy across networks.

              Challenges and Future Development

              While Aleo’s approach to privacy is advanced, it does come with challenges. ZKPs can be resource-intensive, leading to longer processing times. However, ongoing research and development aim to optimize these processes.

              In the future, Aleo plans to explore new cryptographic methods, including post-quantum cryptography, to safeguard its platform against emerging threats.


              Aleo is at the forefront of developing privacy-preserving decentralized applications. Through ZKPs, Aleo provides developers with tools to build secure, private dApps without sacrificing functionality. As the demand for privacy grows, Aleo’s innovations are likely to play a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralized technology.

              Whether you’re a developer interested in creating privacy-focused applications or an enthusiast of the latest blockchain innovations, Aleo offers a robust platform that combines cutting-edge cryptography with practical development tools.

              This post provides a deep dive into the technical aspects of Aleo, focusing on how zero-knowledge proofs enhance the platform's privacy and security.


              Post by @ixela
                Ixela@ixela·Aug 17

                The blockchain and cryptocurrency world is evolving rapidly, offering new opportunities for anyone to create digital assets. If you've ever dreamed of launching the next big memecoin or just want to explore token trading, the Arcane Token Creator 101 course on Galxe is the perfect place to start. This initiative empowers users by allowing them to create their own tokens for free, making it accessible and exciting for both beginners and seasoned crypto enthusiasts.

                What is Arcane Token Creator 101?

                Arcane Token Creator 101 is an innovative program hosted on Galxe, a leading platform in the Web3 space. Known for its vibrant community and unique blend of learning and earning experiences, Galxe now offers participants a hands-on opportunity to create their own digital tokens.

                The process is simple: users complete a series of straightforward tasks, earn a unique NFT as a reward, and then use the Arcane platform to create their own tokens. It’s an excellent way to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies without prior experience or financial investment.

                Why Participate?

                Create Your Own Token for Free: In the traditional financial world, creating any form of currency or asset requires significant resources and regulatory approval. However, in the decentralized world of blockchain, you can easily create your own digital tokens. Arcane Token Creator 101 removes the barriers to entry by offering this service for free, making it accessible to anyone interested in blockchain technology.

                Earn Unique NFTs: By completing tasks in the program, you’ll earn unique NFTs. These digital assets represent ownership of a specific item or piece of content on the blockchain, ranging from digital art to the token itself. Participating in this event not only gives you the chance to create your own token but also adds valuable NFTs to your collection.

                Learn by Doing: The best way to learn is through action, and Arcane Token Creator 101 is designed with this in mind. You’ll gain practical experience with blockchain technology, token creation, and the basics of cryptoeconomics. These skills are valuable not just for those looking to create their own tokens but also for anyone interested in understanding the future of digital finance.

                Join an Active Community: Galxe is home to a thriving community of blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and innovators. By participating in this program, you’ll connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in cryptocurrencies and token creation. This community is a great resource for networking, learning, and staying updated on the latest trends in the crypto space.

                How to Get Started

                Getting started with Arcane Token Creator 101 is easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide: <app.galxe.com/quest/V5kVonuGWHg5QMcEVXLRJS/GCBHatv1uV>

                1. Visit the Galxe Platform: Begin by visiting the Galxe platform. You can access the program directly via the link provided.

                2. Register or Log In: If you’re new to Galxe, you’ll need to create an account. If you already have an account, simply log in to get started.

                3. Complete the Tasks: Once logged in, you’ll be presented with a series of simple tasks. These tasks are both educational and engaging, helping you master the basics of token creation.

                4. Earn Your NFT: After completing the tasks, you’ll earn a unique NFT. This NFT is more than just a collectible; it’s a symbol of your achievements and a gateway to further opportunities on the platform.

                5. Create Your Token: Now comes the most exciting part! Using the Arcane platform, you can create your own token. Whether it’s a memecoin, utility token, or something entirely new, the possibilities are endless.

                Arcane Token Creator 101 on Galxe offers an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. By participating, you’ll gain valuable skills and the chance to create your own digital assets—for free. Whether you want to launch the next viral memecoin or simply explore the world of tokens, this program provides a unique and accessible way to get started.

                Post by @ixela
                  Ixela@ixela·Aug 06

                  In today's world, it often happens that to fully interact with a service, we need to provide our personal data for processing.

                  Unfortunately, online platforms successfully use our data for monetization (for example, by creating personalized advertisements). However, this privacy issue can be resolved with Aleo.

                  Aleo is the first platform that allows creating fully private applications. This means that such applications do not disclose users' personal information (even if they run on public servers). This confidentiality is made possible by a special technology called Zero-Knowledge Proof. This method allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that something is true without revealing any details of the information itself.

                  The algorithm works as follows: to verify the validity of the data, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK Proofs) take the information as input and return a statement of either "True" or "False," with all confidential details remaining undisclosed.

                  To make it easier to understand why this is necessary, here are a few simple examples. Suppose you visit a website with an age restriction of 18+. With ZKP technology, you can prove that you are 18 years old without disclosing your date of birth. Now imagine you can register on a stock exchange or a banking site without providing a photo of your passport or other documents. You can also apply for a loan without revealing information about the amount of money in your account and other personal information.

                  Yes, ZK Proofs will make such procedures possible! This helps users maintain their privacy and anonymity.

                  Furthermore, the technology protects your data from the risk of leaks and hacker attacks. You have probably heard of situations where fraudsters gained access to personal information, which was then sold to third parties or used for surveillance or blackmail.

                  To provide a more comprehensive understanding, here are 10 examples of Aleo's privacy technologies used in the banking sector.

                  1. Creditworthiness Check: The client can prove their creditworthiness to the bank while keeping personal information (such as salary amount and stability, ownership of property, credit history, etc.) secret. The bank verifies the client's data without accessing its contents.

                  2. Private Smart Contracts: Financial organizations can use confidential smart contracts to automate business processes. For example, issuing digital assets, managing supply chains, and insuring funds. The other party interacts with such a smart contract without knowing its full contents.

                  3. Money Transfers: Clients can transfer funds to other individuals or companies without disclosing details (such as the amount of the transaction and its purpose). The bank, in turn, can ensure that the transaction is conducted in compliance with regulations.

                  4. Reporting to Authorities: Bank employees can submit their financial reports to tax authorities without disclosing clients' personal data.

                  5. Data Storage: Banking information can be stored in an encrypted form to reduce the likelihood of its loss, leakage, or damage. Organization employees will access this data for further processing without decrypting it.

                  6. Authentication: Clients can log into the bank's website or application without disclosing personal data for verification (such as logins and passwords, biometrics).

                  7. Verification: Users will verify their documents without disclosing their contents (such as passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, income certificates).

                  8. Funds Management: If a client deposits money, they can always be sure that the bank is acting in their interest and adhering to the contract terms without knowing all the details. Bank employees, in turn, will provide asset management services while keeping their strategies and performance confidential.

                  9. Insurance: Similarly, the bank offers clients insurance without disclosing excessive information about rates and potential risks. Clients can ensure the deal's benefits and fairness.

                  10. Trading: The bank can participate in private trading on the financial market without revealing details about its orders, positions, and profit or loss amounts. Other market participants can verify that the bank complies with trading rules at any time.

                  In conclusion, Aleo blockchain is an innovative and powerful tool. It can be applied not only within the banking sector but also in other real-life areas.

                  I am confident that Aleo will soon play a key role in ensuring digital security for users worldwide.


                  Post by @ixela
                    Ixela@ixela·Jul 31

                    Puzzle Introduces Major Wallet Update and Launches Puzzle Arcade

                    Puzzle is excited to announce a significant update to their wallet on the Aleo platform, designed to enhance user experience and add a new dimension of fun and rewards. Alongside this major update, they are also introducing Puzzle Arcade, an innovative feature within the wallet that offers daily opportunities to play games, earn rewards, and exchange them for real-world value.

                    A Fresh Take on the Wallet

                    The latest update has completely revamped the wallet, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing. The interface has been redesigned for seamless navigation and a more intuitive experience. This update is not just about aesthetics; it also improves functionality, boosting both efficiency and enjoyment in interacting with the wallet.

                    Puzzle Arcade: A Game-Changing Addition

                    Puzzle Arcade is a revolutionary addition to the wallet, providing a gamified experience that allows users to earn rewards through engaging activities. Here’s how it works:

                    Earn Arcade Coins through On-Chain Activities: Participate in various on-chain activities within the Aleo ecosystem to collect Arcade Coins. These activities can range from simple transactions to more complex interactions, encouraging active participation in the network.

                    Use Arcade Coins to Play Games and Win Arcade Tickets: Accumulate Arcade Coins and use them to play a variety of games within Puzzle. These games are designed to be fun and challenging, offering a rewarding experience. Winning games earns you Arcade Tickets, which are key to unlocking real-world value.

                    Redeem Arcade Tickets for Prizes Like USDC: Arcade Tickets can be exchanged for valuable prizes, including USDC, which can be used for transactions, investments, or transferred to a bank account. This feature bridges the gap between virtual rewards and tangible benefits, providing real value for your gaming efforts.

                    More Games and Redemptions Coming Soon

                    Puzzle is starting with a simple game and existing giveaways, but this is just the beginning. Their roadmap includes plans to introduce more games and redemption opportunities, such as fully online stores leveraging Aleo’s unique capabilities. These additions will offer users even more chances to engage, earn, and benefit from participating in Puzzle Arcade.

                    Special Rewards for Loyal Players

                    For their dedicated users who have earned Puzzle Points over the past few months, there’s something special in store. They hint that good things come in fives, so stay tuned for details on this exciting reward.

                    Get Started Today

                    You don’t need to wait for an airdrop or special event to start earning. With Puzzle Wallet and Arcade, you can begin accumulating real value right now. Simply participate in online activities, play games, and reap your rewards. It’s that easy.

                    The introduction of Puzzle Arcade marks a significant step forward in integrating gaming and blockchain technology. Leveraging Aleo’s secure, privacy-focused platform, Puzzle offers an innovative and rewarding experience that is both entertaining and valuable. Whether you’re a seasoned blockchain enthusiast or new to the space, the updated wallet and Puzzle Arcade provide a unique opportunity to explore, play, and earn.

                    Visit Puzzle Wallet to learn more and start your journey today.


                    Post by @ixela