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こんにちは @ethglobal.lens Tokyo! 🇯🇵
@aavegrants.lens will have 3 main prizes for GHO and Aave with $10k up for grabs!
🥇 1st $5k
🥈 2nd $3k
🥉 3rd $2k
For those taking part in the hackathon here are some ideas to get those creative chops going! 👻
@gho.lens is designed for internet people.
With that in mind, we'd love to see you build utility around the future of payments on the web.
You could create an app or plugin to pay with GHO anywhere.
Imagine using GHO to buy your favorite beverage.
Create a convenient payment platform with GHO where you can enjoy fast and secure transfers with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to time-consuming payments!
Build a tool that uses Account Abstraction with GHO to allow users to pay gas fees with GHO, and has rebates. E.g., if the gas used is more than GHO paid, users can claim a rebate or pay it forward.
Construct new DeFi yield strategies and opportunities for GHO and the entire DeFi community.
Create a chargeback (direct debit) network for GHO where any user can charge an account with a set amount of GHO. GHO would then be transferred immediately but not unlocked until a set period of time passes. During this time, anyone can dispute the function if they have a balance
This is our first hackathon for GHO and we can't wait to see what you build this week.
Dive into the dev docs for GHO here: docs.gho.xyz/developer-docs/overview
We also want to see what devs can do with the power of Aave V3, our most significant upgrade of the Aave Protocol.
You could build an Aave Forex tool where you can short assets. Enhance the ability of users to access forex liquidity by using one or all of eMode, flash loans, and other DeFi integrations such as @curvefinance.lens.
Create a ChatGPT-powered risk manager for Aave utilizing OpenAI plugins to create an innovative experience for DeFi users with this leading-edge technology.
Create a new debt swap feature. Right now you can swap your collateral from one asset to another but imagine if you built a feature for swapping debt from one asset to another.
Utilize ZK proofs for critical vulnerabilities while not disclosing the vulnerability, i.e. prove there’s a vulnerability to the DAO so they can vote on it informed but not actually say what the vulnerability is.
Imagine a Health Factor simulator UI component that displays a price slider per each collateral and borrowed asset, so you can simulate prices and see how your Health Factor changes under those conditions. Allowing you to take informed decisions to mitigate liquidation risks.
Dive into Aave V3 Dev docs here: docs.aave.com/developers/getting-started/readme
Make sure to catch @jessglover.lens and @miguelmtz.lens on April 14th at 7 PM JST in the Toranomon Hills Forum, 5th Floor | Workshop Room 1, for a GHO Hackathon Workshop.
These are just a few ideas to get you started on your hackathon project.
Reach out to @nader.lens and @jessglover.lens for any questions on the ground in Tokyo.
gm Lenster fam 🌸
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Snapshot voting feature. Now you can have your say on important community decisions by simply voting from Lenster.
If you paste any Snapshot URL, it will turn into an interactive widget where you can vote for a proposal. You can also use it with your Lens follower NFTs by configuring Snapshot strategies 🚀
Vote us below if you like this feature 😉 snapshot.org/#/yoginth.eth/proposal/0x9287c40edcd68c362c7c4139fe3489bbaaa27cf4de68be5c218a82d0f252e718