Many people describe themselves as "reasonable" people who take pride in reasoning with each other no matter what.
Truth is not wrong, but sometimes a lot of truth sounds boring to the listener.
We say we need to be gentle about our grievances, but when it comes to principles, we need to be tough and not compromise.
In many cases, in addition to expressing your dissatisfaction, you can also use humorous words to fight back, so that you can maintain your demeanor, but also be able to express your meaning clearly, and will not let others think that you are weak. 😁
Lunacharsky said, "Humor is a gentle laugh, a feeling that the person you laugh at is ridiculous and pathetic, or that you find him ridiculous, but you must forgive and forgive."
Even, the other party will think that you are "narrow-minded" and difficult to communicate.
If you express your dissatisfaction with harsh words and a tough attitude, then you are bound to leave the other party with a "reasonable" impression.
Life is not smooth sailing, everyone has their own ideas, but it is impossible to do everything according to their own ideas.
However, how to express your dissatisfaction clearly to others without offending them is a very difficult speaking skill.
For dissatisfaction, some people choose to swallow their pride, some people choose to be cynical, some people choose to vent hysterically.