If bear markets are for building, @LayerZero_Labs has taken this to heart, launching a number of projects and initiatives, including:
+@Aptos_Network Bridge
+Support for @Chainlink
+Goerli Testnet Bridge t.co/50UFpCB5Ew
Have you checked out @lenster.lens at @gitcoin.lens beta round?
Still, 11 days left 👀 lenster.xyz/gitcoin 🏃
First livestream on Unlonely was a success! Success in that people tuned in and at least 2 people were tuned in the whole time!!!
as this was a first for me, i tried out a bunch of different ideas i wanted to talk about. i found a few i enjoyed quite a bit:
scrolling through my saved tiktok playlists, watching a video i've saved, then discussing it. Would be fun to have other guests on to create discussion around these videos
i showed some of my favorite shots i took at Yellowstone last week
shared some choice tracks from my Soundcloud I have saved and the FKJ salt flats video, which led to surprisingly good discussion around Bolivia and a project to support animals
Gonna do more of these!