There is a kind of pain that is reluctant: want to have but can't take a step forward, want to leave but can't give up, born amorous and ruthless, can't leave and right, can't wander, can only wait and see, heartache is speechless, can only listen to the heart is far away.
A lonely person always remembers everyone who has appeared in his life with his heart, so I always remember you counting my loneliness over and over again on every starfall night.
撸毛已经没有了对散户逆天改命的机会,只能作为大户多个理财策略中的一个。 以前的ARB,BLUR,STRK,W可以是普通散户熊市时(22年末,23年中旬)孤注一掷的选择,通过堆积tx和账户数量的POW式起号以小博大,几百几千u本金获取几十倍甚至百倍的收益。 但现在场内蛋糕没变(参考STRK,ARB空投金额,都是15亿左右这个级别),参与这场盛宴的人多了太多。所以现在项目方索性明牌采取了POS的空投方式,质押ETH在协议里给你积分。 那么对于大户来说,空投就是和诸多挖矿,套利等策略并行的一个理财策略,根据项目的空投份额,参与的地址数量和积分大概能估算出一个类似Defi挖矿的APR。
Today's cars are fitted with an array of automatic features and adaptive driver assistance systems, so it might be hard to imagine a time when automobiles were really nothing more than a metal brick on wheels. You couldn't simply hop in, turn the key, and go about your merry way. If the 80s catchphrase "Whatcha talkin' bout Willis?" just popped into your noggin, congrats, you know your pop culture.