A survivor of the ethereum mainnet fees from the post layer 2 era
大饼价格:$26913.23 (市值占比 44.6%)
1.LSD协议Stader Ethereum主网上线质押Token ETHx
6.Coinbase纪念NFT 「Stand with Crypto」铸造量突破13万枚
■ 答疑直播|周日晚八点预约海哥直播,每周答疑解惑;
■ 会员咨询| 高质量星球(行情解读、密码发掘、项目投研、撸毛信息等)+5年全套体系课程(不断更新)+优质社群(运营6年),加btcnana咨询,备注“VIP咨询”。
BNB Bridge 攻击者在 Venus 抵押的 BNB 清算价约为 220 美元
Foresight News 消息,据 Lookonchain 监测,BNB Bridge 攻击者在 BNB Chain 上借贷协议 Venus Protocol 抵押了 924,821 枚 BNB(价值约 2.5 亿美元),清算价约为 220 美元。
I just voted "abstain" on "Fantom Pool Windup" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xe485f7c2bb4f7843d4ce353ae82f19dcf017e70e917bad28f70ff8b231b57deb #Snapshot
Today marks our 1 Year Anniversary of making friends onchain 🎂!
Thank you to everyone who has made the first year of Lens Protocol so special and groundbreaking. Lens has brought together builders, creators, communities, and friends, all while in beta.
There's so much planned for the second year ahead, and we can't wait to continue to grow with all of you.
Who did you become frens with on Lens?
🎨 by @nftsushi.lens and all collect proceeds go directly to the artist.
I just voted "No" on "Velodrome Strategy Update" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x6b703b90d3cd1f82f7c176fc2e566a2bb79e8eb6618a568b52a4f29cb2f8d57b #snapshotlabs