💥Interesting statistics of @symbioticfi
💰TVL - nullB
🪙ETH staked - 319k
👥Unique users - 25633
🤯All this in less than 30days
📅Restaking launched on 11June
🤔Only $5.8M funding
🤔More funding soon
📸Post your screenshot if restaked
💥 @farcaster_xyz new funding
💰$ 150M at $ 1B valuation
🤯Total Funding $ 180M
❌Don't fade this
👑Even @VitalikButerin is active
👇Follow my guide & join
🔗Signup bit.ly/cthefar
⛽Only $ 5
💥Follow me- warpcast.com/cryptoteluguo
Hey everyone! Excited to join Phaver. I'm a passionate investor and blockchain enthusiast. Looking forward to learning and sharing insights with you all!