
Stubborn little leek, short leader!

Joined Jun 2024
94 Posts

Kirlian photography, with its ability to capture the energy field of an object, reveals to us the mysterious and unpredictable light around a black hole.This is not only a visual adventure, but also a spiritual touch to the deepest part of the universe.

[The Abyss of the Universe]

Black holes, the mysterious existences in the universe, its powerful gravity can not even escape the light.But with Kirlian's photography, the aura and energy field around the black hole are revealed, giving us a glimpse of its surroundings.

Water [Exploration of Light and Shadow]

The light and shadows captured by Kirlian photography provide a whole new way of looking at and understanding black holes.The light and shadows may be the last-minute struggle of matter before it is sucked into the black hole, or they may be a manifestation of the black hole's release of energy.

Toward [the Deep and the Unknown]

The depths and unknowns of black holes inspire us to wonder and explore. Kirlian's photographs of black holes are not only objects of scientific exploration, but also a source of inspiration for artistic creation.

    A starry summer sky 🌃.

      [Jupiter]| NASA's Juno Spacecraft

      The clearest image of Jupiter as of August 2024, taken by NASA's Juno spacecraft in orbit around the gas giant planet.

      The visuals are truly breathtaking!

        It will be 7,000 years before the next Comet New Wisdom comes close to Earth again.1 This image, taken in the summer of 2020, shows an unusual red comet tail in addition to a white dust comet tail and a blue ion comet tail.

        2 What makes the unusual red comet tail?It's sodium.Research suggests that the gas, rich in sodium atoms, may have been released from the comet's warm nucleus by bright sunlight in early July, then electrified by ultraviolet light and blown out by the solar wind.

        3 Comet New Wisdom (C/2020F3) has dimmed down, lost its bright tail, and is now approaching the orbit of Jupiter, about to slowly .return to the outer solar system.It will be "only" about 7,000 years before it next returns to Earth's neighborhood.


          West is shocked!Mars once had vast oceans!

          This is an artwork depicting a map of the Martian world.

          The time when we speculated about the existence of water on Mars.. the time when we were still speculating about whether water had ever existed on it, seems to be very far away!

          Since July 25, 2018, when the Mars Express rover revealed the existence of a subglacial lake about 20 kilometers in diameter beneath the south pole of Mars, we have taken another big step in our understanding of the planet.

          According to the latest analysis (from the Curiosity rover), Mars currently contains between 1.5% and 3% groundwater.Although there is only a small amount of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere, this discovery is still surprising!

          Even more surprising:Mars once had a vast northern ocean.(Figure 2 is a visualization image created by NASA)

          A 2016 study published in the journal Nature revealed traces of giant tsunamis triggered 3.4 billion years ago by meteorite impacts that formed craters about 30 kilometers across.

          For a tsunami to be generated, there must be an ocean.The scientific community now generally recognizes

            The combination of the Earth and the Moon is rare in the entire universe The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, its diameter is about 1/400 of the Sun's diameter, and coincidentally, its distance to the Earth is also 1/400 of its distance from the Sun, which is why the Sun and the Moon look almost as big as each other in the sky to our eyes.This coincidence is unique among the planet-moon combinations in our solar system.

              Exploring the Historical Story of the Moon's Mysterious Craters

              Hey, universe explorers!Today, we're talking about our most familiar neighbor, the Moon!You've seen close-ups of the Moon's surface.Have you?Don't the craters, gullies, and gray-brown hues of the Moon's surface both mystify and intrigue you?

              @O Just like this photo shows, the surface of the Moon is covered with craters, which are marks left by meteorite impacts.Each crater is a witness to the moon's ancient history.Imagine what a spectacular scene it must have been hundreds of millions of years ago when a meteorite broke through the night sky and struck the surface of the Moon!

              But the Moon's secrets don't stop there.Did you know?The craters on the Moon can actually help us understand the early history of the solar system.By studying the size, distribution and morphology of these craters, scientists can infer the frequency and intensity of meteorite impacts and even the environmental conditions in the early solar system.

              Moreover, the moon's soil is rich in helium-3, a potentially clean source of energy that could be used in fusion reactions in the future to provide .We have a virtually unlimited supply of energy.


                The planets in our solar system are diverse, including Earth's ocean-covered surface, the giant vortex storms of Jupiter and the mysterious blue hue of Neptune.

                They can be divided into three categories: Earth-like planets, gas giants and ice giants.

                Earth-like planets.

                Including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, they are mainly composed of rock and have solid surfaces.

                -The internal structure of Earth-like planets includes a core, mantle, crust, and atmosphere.

                -The core is composed primarily of iron, and the mantle consists of silicate minerals containing iron and magnesium.

                -The composition of the atmosphere varies, with Earth's atmosphere being rich in nitrogen and oxygen, while Venus has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere.

                1. Gas Giant Planets.

                Including Jupiter and Saturn, they are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and also contain other gases and ice.

                -The internal structure of the gas giants consists of a core, a deep atmosphere, and an outer atmosphere.

                -The hydrogen in the atmosphere turns into metal and is electrically conductive.

                -The visible outer layer consists of hydrogen and helium, as well as ammonia, methane, water vapor, and other compounds forming

                  There are only 6,974 stars that can be seen directly by the naked eye in the Earth's night sky, and all of them are stars in the Milky Way, except for a few planets in our solar system, which means that most of the stars you see are actually alien worlds like our solar system, which basically come with one or two planets.

                  Within the Milky Way alone, which is 180,000 light-years in diameter, there are between 100 and 400 billion stars crammed into the galaxy, and there are at least 2 trillion galaxies like the Milky Way in the universe.

                  Trillions of galaxies, plus .Trillions of galaxies, plus hundreds of billions of times that number of stars, make up the universe as we see it now, and life and civilization are quietly nurtured on planets near the stars.Some astronomers, by calculating various habitability indicators, believe that there are at least 36 alien civilizations in the Milky Way, but humans have not encountered any of them.

                  Many people believe that this is because our current technology is not developed enough to find aliens, but there is also a possibility that life and civilization in the universe is very rare, rare to human civilization may be the only intelligent ci

                    Birth of the Universe: The Origin and Evolution of the Universe Revealed

                    Have you ever looked up at the stars and pondered the origin and evolution of the universe?Today, let's embark on a .Let's embark on an amazing journey to discover the mystery of the birth of the universe!

                    The birth of the universe began with an unprecedented big bang, which scientists call the "Big Bang Theory".It is theorized that about 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe began to expand from an extremely hot, dense state, gradually forming the vast universe we see today.It is taught that in the first few minutes after the Big Bang, the universe experienced a dramatic expansion and cooling.Subsequently, nuclei and elementary particles began to form in various parts of the universe, and these particles gradually gathered into clouds of gas under the influence of gravity.

                    Over time, the gas clouds evolved into galaxies, star clusters and individual stars.Our Sun, is one of these .star.And around the Sun, there are many other celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids and comets that together make up our solar system.

                    West During the evolution of the universe, many other amazing phenomena have occurred.Fo @