You can lie to anyone else in the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
Wow. 212 collectors for our genesis post. 255 of you shared the Manifesto to Lens in solidarity with our mission. We can’t thank the Lens community enough and are proud to have you on the allowlist to claim your .glass for free. ❤️🌱
The Glass Pass is here. Your videos, your Glass Pass.
The goal of Glass has always been to let creators own their videos. Truly own your videos.
The Glass Pass is your identity on Glass. Your own individual .glass username on Ethereum.
The Glass Pass is your key to creating videos with Glass.**** When the new Creator Studio and Glass Protocol launches in a few weeks, it will only be accessible to creators who own a Glass Pass. All the videos you create with Glass will be linked to your Glass Pass on-chain.
The Glass Pass lets you invite other people to the protocol.**** The Genesis claimers will get the Special Edition BLAZE Glass Pass. These Genesis Glass Pass holders will be able to invite other people to claim Curated BLACK Glass Passes via special links.
The Glass Pass (.glass) is designed to complement other decentralized identity networks, like your .eth and .lens. We believe people will have different types of on-chain identities that serve different purposes and represent different networks.
👑 Collect this post and drop your .glass below 👑
Probably nothing.
✨ Introducing Glass Protocol ✨
gm lens fam ☀️ For those of you that don’t know us, we’re building a protocol for decentralized video on Ethereum.
We’re passionate about video. We believe in having true ownership over the videos you make, how they’re seen, and how they’re monetized. That’s why we’re building an open, permissionless protocol for owning, distributing, and building communities around video.
And that’s why we’re constantly experimenting and building with new Web3 communities to help us further our mission… which brings us to Lens. We’re excited to build more ways for the video creators in the Lens community to create amazing videos with Glass.
Oh—and one more thing. We just announced The Glass Pass, an NFT that represents your creator identity, and your key to owning and creating videos on Glass. You can read more about it here:
And to show our love to the Lens community...
🏆 Anyone who collects this post will be recorded on The Glass Pass claim allowlist 🏆
And if you vibe with our mission, check out our Manifesto:
People who sign it and share it to Lens will also get early access to claim The Glass Pass.
We’re excited to be here and can’t wait to share what we have in store! We're just getting started✌️
📢 Introducing Discover Oasis
A dashboard that allows you to see all Vaults opened using Oasis and a series of stats about them.
You can browse any vault in the Oasis ecosystem and use the filters and features to learn how they are being managed.
My new socials page:
I'm eagerly trying out Mastodon, Farcaster, Lens and others, and I'll bow to Lord Elon and pay his $8/month too... but only when it's available on a non-iOS platform.
Let the best socials win! *