Emerging tech enthusiast, creator of beats, art and random things.
Surprisingly open viewpoints on crypto coming from the Bank of England. Ftx, crypto, Smart contacts, cbdcs. Positive or negative?
In full: Bank of England on Crypto crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INpfGVK5-nY))
In an exclusive interview with Sky News, Sir Jon Cunliffe says investors and the financial system need protection from the "casino" of crypto trading.#crypto...
Hi Vitalik, The lens ecosystem is the nicest 🐼
Funny how XEN the silly ponzi coin is actually great for eth holders. First time since the merge ETH Supply is nicely decreasing 🔥
Ultra Sound Money](https://ultrasound.money))
watch ETH become ultra sound money
Help the ETH devs and get a piece of history at the same time, how can you resist?
Had to get Vitaliks book for the shelf
And the nft for my wallet
And the public goods to come 🔥
Proof Of Stake](https://gitcoin.co/ProofOfStake))
Coming September 27, 2022 - Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchains by Vitalik Buterin
Question : Why pro ETH commentators like @bankless.lens and @sassal.lens are not really active on Lens ? (as Lens is obvs amazing crypto use case)
yes, top one, I don't miss the signing !
The Ethereum Merge has been scheduled for TTD 58750000000000000000000
This is approximately Sept 15-16th
The Merge is officially scheduled 📆