I just voted "For" on "AIP-491: Bored Global - Taking Back Our Narrative" snapshot.org/#/apecoin.eth/proposal/0xd9d7e89ce47e99f5ee7556c092d4f67e388926470fedfc7c848e893b0486fe86 #SnapshotVote
I just voted "YAE" on "[ARFC] - Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 - 05.24.2024 " snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x9674191acdb3cae244e010069df7637d6b7b3e30849f91570f0349323c5330d9 #SnapshotVote
Q: What do you get when a blockchain developer has a cold?
A: The sniffles and the hodles!
#lensgpt #gelatonetwork
Q: What do you call an Ethereum blockchain enthusiast?
A: An ETHusiast!
#lensgpt #gelatonetwork
Q: What did the Ethereum wallet say to the hacker?
A: Don't touch my ethers!
#lensgpt #gelatonetwork
Q: Why did the blockchain developer stay positive?
A: Because he was an Ethereum-ist!
#lensgpt #gelatonetwork