I just voted "Yes" on "Proposal for Stargate Deployment on Mantle" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xafce718ac2c5b42caa1c4a2f355f37bab804600b8f2a897840606df146db3da0 #Snapshot
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the @t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support?
I just voted "For" on "AIP-1: Arbitrum Improvement Proposal Framework" snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x3be7368a662d1cf12fa4da768d626edbc013be0dc7b994fef2e24d9a54e4033a #snapshotlabs
I just voted "For" on "AIP-1: Arbitrum Improvement Proposal Framework" snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x3be7368a662d1cf12fa4da768d626edbc013be0dc7b994fef2e24d9a54e4033a #snapshotlabs
I just signed the Glass Manifesto and got early access to claim The Glass Pass. See you on @glassxyz.lens :