Shinsei Galverse is Japan's first breakout Web3 success story. In the first episode of this mini doco-series, meet the team and hear about how they first came together to create Galverse!
Inspired by nostalgic 80s and 90s anime, the Galverse team aim to create something entirely new by reimagining these ideas with modern values and badass Gals at the front and centre.
Gal NFT holders take part in the animation process, submitting ideas and creative works that are incorporated into the animation and production process. They also receive a backstage pass to learn about the process with behind-the-scenes videos of the animation studio and team's creative work.
The Galverse team is passionate about introducing Japanese culture to the world, introducing fans and newcomers to a deeper understanding of anime, Gal culture, and the country's creative scene.
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✨Phi🏝️ × Lens🌿✨
"Yasai Lens Festival", an Official Campaign Collabs with @lensprotocol 🌿 & @lenster 🌸, is now live on Phi🎉🤩
📅 Campaign Period: 7th Feb ~ 21th Feb 2023 12:00AM UTC
Yasai Lens Festival has 2 parts:
Check out the details 👀🧵↓
✨Phi🏝️ × Lens🌿✨
"Yasai Lens Festival", an Official Campaign Collabs with @lensprotocol 🌿 & @lenster 🌸, is now live on Phi🎉🤩
📅 Campaign Period: 7th Feb ~ 21th Feb 2023 12:00AM UTC
Yasai Lens Festival has 2 parts:
Check out the details 👀🧵↓
To get rewarded with Special Lens Collab Objects on the Good Lenster Post Race, you must complete
Set a Default Lens Profile 🌿
Get 5+ ”Collected” on Lenster 🌸
& 2) must be completed before
✨Phi🏝️ × Lens🌿✨
"Yasai Lens Festival", an Official Campaign Collabs with @lensprotocol 🌿 & @lenster 🌸, is now live on Phi🎉🤩
📅 Campaign Period: 7th Feb ~ 21th Feb 2023 12:00AM UTC
Yasai Lens Festival has 2 parts:
Check out the details 👀🧵↓…
Let's enjoy the philand and collect it for free!
#Philand #Lens #YasaiLensFestival