We’re testing a new invite system for Lens, allowing selected users to bring their connections into the Lens community.
If you’re a selected Lens user, you now have the opportunity to invite your connections to experience the unique features and benefits of web3 social.
You can check if you have invites waiting for you at invites.lens.xyz
If this test phase demonstrates promising results, we’re excited about the potential to broaden the rollout of this invite system to the Lens community.
The Collect module on the Lens API is adding new features:
• Put time limits on any Free Collect
• Define the supply and/or end date for exclusive Collects (Free or Paid)
Try it out today on @lenster.lens. Coming soon to @buttrfly.lens, @orbapp.lens, and other apps across the Lens ecosystem.
For devs looking to implement the new 'simpleCollectModule', dive into the docs: docs.lens.xyz/docs/create-post-typed-data#simplecollectmodule
Free collects, now with limits.
Set limits on the quantity and/or limit the time window to 24 hours.
Check out how some creators are already using limited free collects:
@jessyjeanne.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0x73b1-0x2259
@grams.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0x326c-0x09d0
@arterlioz.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0xaeea-0x046d
@lufoart.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0xd3a4-0x0601
@elliepritts.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0x019a20-0xaa
@evanmann.lens: lenster.xyz/posts/0x01a5b6-0x9f