✨Phi🏝️ × Lens🌿✨
"Yasai Lens Festival", an Official Campaign Collabs with @lensprotocol 🌿 & @lenster 🌸, is now live on Phi🎉🤩
📅 Campaign Period: 7th Feb ~ 21th Feb 2023 12:00AM UTC
Yasai Lens Festival has 2 parts:
Check out the details 👀🧵↓
gm all! 👋
Today I wanted to introduce you to Sismo and explain you what ZK Badges are 🧵⬇️
(stay until the end, there might be a badge to mint 👀🎁)
What is Sismo?
Sismo is « a modular Attestations Protocol focused on decentralization, privacy and usability. »
But what concretely does it mean?
Sismo enable you to prove on Ethereum to anyone, thanks to one of your addresses, that you are, have or did something. Theses proofs are represented by badges, which are non-transferable NFTs (ERC-1155 tokens). To be allowed to mint a badge, your address must be in the group of eligible addresses associated to it.
But now what if you could prove something with an address but receive the badge on another without any link between these two 👀
So proving something without doxing the address you used to prove it.
That’s what ZK Badges allow us to do!
With Sismo you prove directly in your browser that your address is part of a group of eligible addresses. It uses zk-SNARK technology.
Let’s take a simple example: you can prove, on an anon address (destination address), that you own a conference POAP, by using your ENS address (source address) which contain that POAP. And vice versa. But of course your source address allow you to only mint one badge on the destination address of your choice, no more.
This is a simple example but you can imagine much more useful ones!
There are obvious uses cases for Sismo and ZK Badges such as Sybil resistance. By the way Sismo has already shipped a “Sybil resistance” ZK Badge using Proof Of Humanity, go check this out: twitter.com/Sismo_eth/status/1569668644497510402?s=20&t=texAnda3oLd9C1iRjfFCdQ
So this allow you to prove that you are a human on an anon address using your POH registration (doxed) address. It’s not perfect yet but it’s a start and it shows how ZK Badges can be powerfull! 🔥
Privacy is necessary in the IT world and even more in an ecosystem like Ethereum where all our interaction are public. That’s why Sismo will help us to create anonymity on top of these concepts and more…
Now lt’s time for the little gift! 🎁
If you want to try out Sismo and get your very first ZK Badge ➡️ Mirror this post
Then, from 02/10/2022 you will be able to mint the badge associated to the proof that you Mirrored this post. I will let you now when it’s available and the steps to follow to mint it :))
Thanks for reading this thread and welcome to Sismo anon! :))
gm lens frens 🌿
we are excited to announce bloomer role on our Discord. collect our genesis post as an NFT and help us spread the word about our community to get bloomer role. you'll get a chance to test out new exciting features before the release.