Update Phaver
Snapshot time 📸 Season 1 #phairdrop has been a great success with 160k eligible users.
To allow more people to qualify we also added an extra 65M tokens 🎉
Another 30M will also be shared among all Supergraph posters between now and TGE.
Check Season 1 Eligibility Tomorrow:
Sonic Odyssey [ Testnet ] (Solana L2 EVM)
Join Testnet
🛠 Set RPC
New Incentivized Testnet : Superposition
Name: Superposition Testnet
RPC URL: testnet-rpc.superposition.so/
Chain ID: 98985
Currency Symbol: SPN
Block Explorer: testnet-explorer.superposition.so/
➡️ Claim Faucet With New Wallet : faucet.superposition.so & faucet.circle.com
➖️ Bridging from Sepolia to Superposition takes approximately 10 minutes : bridge.superposition.so
➖️ Swap : long.so
➖️ Stake ( Add Liquidity Position )
➖️ Make Transaction On Testnet
➖️ Done
Initia Testnet Incentivized
➖ Download Wallet Extension : chromewebstore.google.com/detail/initia-wallet/ffbceckpkpbcmgiaehlloocglmijnpmp
➖ View Other Options
➖ Create New
➖ Open Link : app.testnet.initia.xyz/xp
Back Lagi Ke Web Nanti Setiap Task Yang Selesaikan ada Ada NFT yang Harus di Mint (Ada 6 NFT Masing Masing Task)
➖ Mint and Done
-scroll bawah kerjain yg task bonus week 5
-tunggu 24 jam terus Claim XP
-upgrade Jennie dengan cara kasih makan