Each year, one vicious habit rooted out, in time ought to make the worst man good.
the first wave of successful AI Agents was cracked devs (respekkkkk) next wave will be community builders
test 3ddd.
A little more until half comp.
Test the time it takes to post.
What's my motto when it comes to money? Don't put so much emphasis on it!
Ohayo~ frens🤍
Did you guys also know that yon can claim Lens & Farcaster handle if you’re Lv2+ user on @phaver ?👀
It’s also part of becoming eligible for #Phairdrop so claim your handles if you haven’t yet!🦄🪂
@nostra_finance has updated his website and it's great !!
Love it ! Good job guys 🤌
The @nostrafinance points program is live!
Join La Famiglia and get 5% bonus points by using my referral code below 👇
Referral code: <app.nostra.finance/?ref=5d7mrj38at>
#defi #starknet
All this talk about equality. The only thing people really have in common is that they are all going to die.