afk is a series of events designed to bring people together to celebrate the Lens ecosystem and the community of thinkers, designers, creators and technologists around it.
The vibes at AFK Brussels were ⭐immaculate⭐
Let's reminisce this @callmelatasha MOMENT together.
Reminiscing afk Berlin - panel with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, @isthisanart , Sam Hart, Rafa Fernández
“One thing I’ve noticed in the world of selling art online directly to an audience over social media is the parasocial relationships with collectors that have become actual relationships. Sometimes people buy my works just to talk to me. It’s quite beautiful and sincerely felt. I think this is an interesting example where money, instead of flattening a relationship, allows one to form.” - Sarah Friend
Reminiscing afk Berlin: @sirsu @abbey @okwme and @mariapaula "Social is Financial" panel.
“The idea of reputation as a valuable asset is interesting. When you’re able to swap that reputation out it invites the worst behavior. Reputation is the last bastion of “can I collaborate with this person?” The fact that humans exist is because we are good at collaborating. The last buck is reputation. It scares me to think about someone not being responsible for their reputation.” - Billy Rennekamp (@okwme)
Reminiscing afk Berlin - Jaya-Klara Brekke fireside with @simondenny
“What does social mean today? How can we encourage the creation of social relationships that are more meaningful and less about profiling and targeting people?”